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Do trailers (vehicles) have hidden functionality ??

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.08.2021 23:21

Fuman 29.08.2021 23:21
Having exhausted all avenues that might lead to a potential answer, I at last have come here seeking the answer.

I found a neat mod that automatically loads bigBags, and it loads great.... Unloading however, is a mess. And the researching of problems with this mod has lead me to a question about the characteristics of a vanilla in-game trailer, namely, the "Strautmann SEK 802.

The scenario is thus: I can load the trailer with bulk "seeds, fertilizer, and lime" and am given the option when unloading these materials to use one of the available tipper methods, OR unload as bigBag or pallet....

If however, I load the trailer with any other bigBag commodity, such as pigFood, I am only offered the option to unload using a tipper method and the unload as bigBag is not available...

I have poured over the trailer files, as well as all of the bigBag files and can find nothing that would explain this behavior. The only thing I can figure is that the "game engine" is reading what the fillType is, behind the scenes, and deciding the available unload options based on said fillType.

My thoughts are that it can't be "trailer related", as the trailer is fine with unloading seed, lime and fertilizer. So, it must be something with the bigBags themselves, right ?

But, the files for the bigBags are pretty much identical across the board, with the exception of "fillType"...

Have I overlooked something obvious, or is there some Giants voodoo going on behind a curtain somewhere ??

edit: I should probably note that I have loaded the "realistic seeder" mod, hence the ability to unload fertilizer and lime as pallets. But, that doesn't alter the trailers behavior when considering only bigBag seeds versus bigBag pigFood.

edit II: Could it be map related ? I am doing all of my experiments on the No Mans Land map, if that matters.

Fuman 30.08.2021 01:30
turns out, it is something in the <unloadInfos> .... but, even though the trailer will correctly unload seeds, lime and fertilizer now that I have corrected its lack of a <fillvolume> and <unloadIndos> tag, still much like the in-game Strautmann SEK 802, it cannot unload any other bigBag commodity as a bigBag.....

Is it even possible to unload any other bigBag commodity as a bigBag?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 30.08.2021 04:57
BigBags are objects of type pallet. The unloading to pallets is handled by the specialization "fillUnit" (see LUADOC FillUnit.unloadFillUnits).
Preconditions for unload to pallet are
- the tag <fillUnits> <unloading> exists
- <fillUnit .. canBeUnloaded="true" (this is default)
- in the map's "fillTypes.xml" the loaded fillType has a defined <pallet filename=..
- enough space to spawn pallet

Fuman 30.08.2021 05:51
From the maps "fillType.xml ...

-<fillType title="$l10n_fillType_lime" name="LIME" pricePerLiter="0.225" showOnPriceTable="true">
<image hudSmall="$dataS2/menu/hud/fillTypes/hud_fill_lime_sml.png" hud="$dataS2/menu/hud/fillTypes/hud_fill_lime.png"/>
<physics maxPhysicalSurfaceAngle="15" massPerLiter="1.2"/>
<pallet filename="$data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerLime.xml"/>

And it has another identical entry for both seeds and fertilizer. Therefor sir, you have explained why the in-game Strautmann SEK 802 will not unload the other bigBag commodities.

However, having borrowed this from the Strautman SEK 802 :

<node node="unloadInfo01" width="2" length="1.0" />
<node node="unloadInfo02" width="1" length="4.0" />
<node node="unloadInfo03" width="1" length="4.0" />

the mod trailer will now successfully unload its contents as either bigBag or pallet, but only for seeds and fertilizer. What then could be the reason it wouldn't do the same for lime ? Lime is afterall, represented in the maps fillTypes..... Hence, it must surely come from something I have done wrong with the trailer....

I am including below the pertinent information from the trailers xml in hopes that the error may not escape everyones eye in the same manner in which it has obviously escaped mine....

<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="fertilizer" capacity="20000" fillLitersPerSecond="1000">
<dashboard displayType="ANIMATION" valueType="fillLevel" animName="fertilizerAnimation"/>
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRoot"/>
<autoAimTargetNode node="exactFillRoot" />
<objectChange node="0>0|5|0" visibilityActive="true" visibilityInactive="false"/>
<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="lime" capacity="40000">
<dashboard displayType="ANIMATION" valueType="fillLevel" animName="limeAnimation"/>
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRoot"/>
<autoAimTargetNode node="exactFillRoot" />
<objectChange node="0>0|5|1" visibilityActive="true" visibilityInactive="false"/>
<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="seeds" capacity="20000">
<dashboard displayType="ANIMATION" valueType="fillLevel" animName="seedsAnimation"/>
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRoot"/>
<autoAimTargetNode node="exactFillRoot" />
<objectChange node="0>0|5|2" visibilityActive="true" visibilityInactive="false"/>
<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="pigFood" capacity="20000">
<dashboard displayType="ANIMATION" valueType="fillLevel" animName="pigFoodAnimation"/>
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRoot"/>
<autoAimTargetNode node="exactFillRoot" />
<objectChange node="0>0|5|3" visibilityActive="true" visibilityInactive="false"/>

<node node="unloadInfo01" width="2" length="1.0" />
<node node="unloadInfo02" width="1" length="4.0" />
<node node="unloadInfo03" width="1" length="4.0" />

<dischargeable requiresTipOcclusionArea="false">
<dischargeNode node="0>" emptySpeed="1000" fillUnitIndex="1" maxDistance="6" canStartDischargeAutomatically="true">
<trigger node="0>1|6"/>

<fillTriggerVehicle triggerNode="Filltrigger" fillUnitIndex="1" litersPerSecond="750"/>

Thank you sirs!

Edit: Bilbo, this line you mentioned concerns me:

- the tag <fillUnits> <unloading> exists

I don't doubt you for a moment, but I can't find that parameter in either the mod trailer xml, nor the in-game Strautmann xml....... ?

Edit II: is there a limit to how many of these a map can have ?
<pallet filename="$data/blah/blah/blah.xml"/>

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 30.08.2021 08:23
The tag <fillUnits> <unloading> is in default vehicles only used for tools like seeders, sprayers, .. which don't have the spec 'dischargeable' but should be able to unload the fillUnit.
Usual trailers have this spec 'dischargeable' and unload in another way like unload in tipTrigger, tipToGround, fillTrigger.

Your mod trailer uses a trick to display bags instead a fillPlane. This is made by <dashboard displayType="ANIMATION" valueType="fillLevel" animName=../> These animations represent the fillLevel by display of corresponding bags. This is only virtual, no real bags/pallets.
Make sure the assigned animation is present in section <animations>.
Why has your fillUnit for lime 40000 capacity, the others 20000?

Look into the game log. Concerning your fillUnit for lime I'd expect errors.

And no, there's no limit to assign a pallet to a fillType.

Fuman 30.08.2021 15:11

Fuman 30.08.2021 19:22

Fuman 30.08.2021 19:34

Fuman 30.08.2021 19:54

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