Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 01.09.2021 16:33 |
Kungfugamer (FunkyMunkee) | 01.09.2021 16:33 |
I've downloaded a map I really like but can't fill from the water plane (river/lakes/ponds). There is only one water plane which covers the whole map. Anyone have ideas where the problem might be? XML or setting in GE?? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 02.09.2021 04:18 |
The waterplane must have these user attributes (map.i3d in text view): <Attribute name="isMainWater" type="boolean" value="true"/> <Attribute name="onCreate" type="scriptCallback" value="Environment.onCreateWater"/> |
Kungfugamer (FunkyMunkee) | 02.09.2021 12:21 |
Awesome. Thanks Bilbo - works now. Attribute name was "HochbauerWater" rather "isMainWater". |
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