Unloading issue (liquid and solid)

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created06.09.2021 19:01

Benoit Caron (deadawnz) 06.09.2021 19:01
Good afternoon all !

I am currently trying to mod a trailer for sprayer and seeder that can hold Seeds, Fertilizer and Liquid such as Herbicide, LiquidFertilizer and Water. The vehicleType is augerWagon, i can Fill all of the 3 exactFillRootNode but i can't discharge the liquid in another trailer like a sprayerTrailer ! But i can discharge water in an animal pen. Here a part of my code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<vehicle type="augerWagon">
<annotation>Copyright (C) GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved.</annotation>

<name>BigTex Liquid Tanker</name>
<combination>Dolly EA</combination>
<shopTranslationOffset>0 -0.057 0</shopTranslationOffset>
<shopRotationOffset>1.165 0 0</shopRotationOffset>

<size width="3.5" length="12" lengthOffset="0.25" />
<component centerOfMass="0 0.45 0" solverIterationCount="10" mass="1200" />
<schemaOverlay attacherJointPosition="0 0">
<default name="DEFAULT_IMPLEMENT"/>

<wheelConfiguration name="$l10n_configuration_valueDefault" price="0">
<wheel isLeft="true" hasTireTracks="true" >
<physics tipOcclusionAreaGroupId="1" restLoad="0.9" repr="wheelhubRL1_axis" radius="0.40" width="0.51" transRatio="1" forcePointRatio="0.5" initialCompression="12" suspTravel="0.2" spring="155" damper="75" frictionScale="1.5" mass="0.1" />
<wheel isLeft="false" hasTireTracks="true" >
<physics tipOcclusionAreaGroupId="2" restLoad="0.9" repr="wheelhubRR1_axis" radius="0.40" width="0.51" transRatio="1" forcePointRatio="0.5" initialCompression="12" suspTravel="0.2" spring="155" damper="75" frictionScale="1.5" mass="0.1" />
<wheel isLeft="true" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true" >
<physics tipOcclusionAreaGroupId="1" restLoad="0.9" repr="wheelhubRL2_axis" radius="0.40" width="0.51" transRatio="1" forcePointRatio="0.5" initialCompression="12" suspTravel="0.2" spring="155" damper="75" frictionScale="1.5" mass="0.1" />
<wheel isLeft="false" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true" >
<physics tipOcclusionAreaGroupId="2" restLoad="0.9" repr="wheelhubRR2_axis" radius="0.40" width="0.51" transRatio="1" forcePointRatio="0.5" initialCompression="12" suspTravel="0.2" spring="155" damper="75" frictionScale="1.5" mass="0.1" />

<inputAttacherJointConfiguration name="22PH (Bumper Puller)" price="500">
<inputAttacherJoint node="22PHattacherJoint" jointType="trailer" upperRotationOffset="0"/>
<inputAttacherJoint node="22PHattacherJoint1" jointType="trailerLow" upperRotationOffset="0"/>
<objectChange node="22PH" visibilityActive="true" visibilityInactive="false" />
<objectChange node="22GN" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true" />

<!-- Deactivate other attachers collisions -->
<objectChange node="22GN_Frame" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true" />
<objectChange node="22GN_Frame_Front_col" compoundChildActive="false"/>
<objectChange node="22GN_Frame_Body_col" compoundChildActive="false"/>
<inputAttacherJointConfiguration name="22GN (Gooseneck)" price="2000">
<inputAttacherJoint node="22GNattacherJoint" jointType="semitrailer" upperRotationOffset="0"/>
<objectChange node="22GN" visibilityActive="true" visibilityInactive="false" />
<objectChange node="22PH" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true" />

<!-- Deactivate other attachers collisions -->
<objectChange node="22PH_Frame" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true" />
<objectChange node="22PH_Frame_col" compoundChildActive="false"/>

<support animationName="moveSupport"/>

<pipe unloadInfoIndex="1" >
<dischargeNode index="1"/>
<states num="4" unloading="2 3 4" >
<state stateIndex="1" dischargeNodeIndex="1"/>
<state stateIndex="2" dischargeNodeIndex="2"/>
<state stateIndex="3" dischargeNodeIndex="3"/>
<animation name="foldPipe" speedScale="0.5"/>
<unloadingTrigger node="trailerTrigger"/>

<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="HERBICIDE LIQUIDFERTILIZER WATER" capacity="10000">
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRootNodeLiquid"/>
<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="SEEDS" capacity="6000">
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRootNodeSolidSeed"/>
<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="FERTILIZER" capacity="6000">
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRootNodeSolidFertilizer"/>

<dischargeNode node="dischargeNode" emptySpeed="400" fillUnitIndex="1" unloadInfoIndex="1" canDischargeToGround="false" canStartDischargeAutomatically="true">
<info width="1.0" length="0.5" zOffset="0.4" />
<trigger node="dischargeTrigger" />
<dischargeNode node="dischargeNode1" emptySpeed="400" fillUnitIndex="2" unloadInfoIndex="2" canDischargeToGround="true">
<info width="1.0" length="0.5" zOffset="0.4" />

<dischargeNode node="dischargeNode2" emptySpeed="400" fillUnitIndex="3" unloadInfoIndex="3" canDischargeToGround="true">
<info width="1.0" length="0.5" zOffset="0.4" />


<volume node="0>13" maxDelta="0.2" fillUnitIndex="1" /><!--liquidTank-->
<volume node="0>14" maxDelta="0.2" fillUnitIndex="2" /><!--Seed-->
<volume node="0>15" maxDelta="0.2" fillUnitIndex="3" /><!--SolidFertilizer-->
<unloadInfo fillVolumeIndex="1" >
<node node="0>12" width="0.3" length="0.3" />
<unloadInfo fillVolumeIndex="2" >
<node node="0>12" width="0.3" length="0.3" />
<unloadInfo fillVolumeIndex="3" >
<node node="0>12" width="0.3" length="0.3" />

<fillTriggerVehicle triggerNode="fillTrigger" fillUnitIndex="1" litersPerSecond="400"/>

<waterTrailer fillUnitIndex="1" fillLitersPerSecond="400" fillNode="BigTex_Main_Component_1">
<refill template="DEFAULT_REFUEL_SOUND" linkNode="0>" />

Any help is really appreciate, i know <pipe> can't discharge liquid but is there any way i can counter that ?
Thanks in advance

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 07.09.2021 00:35
To overload liquids you need a fillTrigger.
But your <vehicle type="augerWagon"> doesn't support fillTrigger.
This needs additionally the <specialization name="fillTriggerVehicle"/>

Benoit Caron (deadawnz) 08.09.2021 00:37
Hi Bilbo,

I added the specialization in the moddesc.xml and changed the vehicle type in the xml as you suggest, unfortunatly that doesn't help for my problem to fill LIQUIDFERTILIZER or HERBICE from a trailer to a selfPropelledSprayer or a trailerSprayer. So i decided to make a test, i started a vanilla savegame *NO MOD* and i tried to find a trailer accepting LIQUIDFERTILIZER or HERBICIDE, none were accepting those ! So that made me go to the $data/vehicles/hardi/rubicon9000/rubicon9000.xml and figure it out there no fill trigger... that maybe the reason why i can unload in animal pen but not in sprayer ou trailersprayer. Im wondering

Benoit Caron (deadawnz) 08.09.2021 01:01
Hi Bilbo,

I added the specialization in the moddesc.xml and changed the vehicle type in the xml as you suggest, unfortunatly that doesn't help for my problem to fill LIQUIDFERTILIZER or HERBICE from a trailer to a selfPropelledSprayer or a trailerSprayer. So i decided to make a test, i started a vanilla savegame *NO MOD* and i tried to find a trailer accepting LIQUIDFERTILIZER or HERBICIDE, none were present ! So that made me go to the $data/vehicles/hardi/rubicon9000/rubicon9000.xml and figure it out there no fill trigger... that maybe the reason why i can unload in animal pen but not in sprayer ou trailersprayer. Im wondering

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 08.09.2021 09:06
A fillTrigger only delivers, donates the ware. The 'fillTriggerVehicle' acts just as its static brother, the 'fillTrigger' in an object.
Very important is:
- the fillTrigger's collision mask must fit to the receiving vehicle type
- the receiving vehicle/tool should have a fillUnit with exactFillRootNode. This is what usually interacts with the fillTrigger.

And right, the default trailers don't support the fillTypeCategory "SPRAYER".
To transport all possible liquids, you need a mod trailer with fillTypeCategories="LIQUID SPRAYER SLURRYTANK".

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