How to make money off farming simulator modding

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.09.2021 22:26

Jameson Francis Dixon (FarmingNut56) 29.09.2021 22:26
Do you get paid for making mods?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 30.09.2021 12:07
Are you getting paid to open redundant threads?

Jameson Francis Dixon (FarmingNut56) 02.10.2021 00:04
I’m ten and I’m looking at getting into it. Also, I don’t see any other threads of this topic.


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.10.2021 03:10
EULA resp. terms of use you have acknowledged when installing the FS game or editor:

6.3 Mods created and uploaded by the Customer may only be made available to third parties free-of-charge and not for gain. Commercial use or use in return for payment is not permitted.

However one can receive a small fee by Giants itself for mods uploaded to ModHub. For details see here in GDN Downloads "Modders Guide to the ModHub".

Jameson Francis Dixon (FarmingNut56) 02.10.2021 03:54
Ok thanks

Jameson Francis Dixon (FarmingNut56) 02.10.2021 04:16
I’m thinking of making a in wd9/super wd9

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