Map question about why I can't get nothing in the commodity

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created10.11.2021 01:00

Kurt Thomas (kurtt0072) 10.11.2021 01:00
I have created a XMl file called defaultItems.xml. I then went into the Farming Simulator folder and copied the genetic sale point files and put them into the placeable folder. I go into the game and nothing. There is no sale point on the map. I do not know what I am doing wrong. In the moddesc and put the xml into this location <defaultItemsXMLFilename="defaultItems.xml".>
I have tried over and over again. Nothing will pop up. What am I doing wrong? Please help I am about ready to pull my hair out.

Here is defaultItems.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Buying and selling points -->
<item mapBoundId="sellingStationDekalb" className="SellingStationPlaceable" filename="/placeables/sellingStationDekalb.xml" position="-65.586 -2.935 65.535" rotation="-0.521 0 0" />


Selling Station code
?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>

<placement testSizeX="1" testSizeZ="1" sizeX="1" sizeZ="1" useRandomYRotation="false" useManualYRotation="true" />

<sellingStation stationName="SellingStationGeneric" appearsOnPDA="true" storageRadius="0" litersForFullPriceDrop="100000" fullPriceRecoverHours="48">
<unloadTrigger exactFillRootNode="0|0|0|0|0" />
<fillType name="wheat" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="barley" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="canola" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="sunflower" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="soybean" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="maize" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="potato" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="sugarBeet" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="sugarCane" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 10.11.2021 07:51
By looking into the game log you would have known what's wrong.
Your filename in defaultItems is invalid. It must be
<item ... filename="$mapdir$/placeables/sellingStationDekalb.xml" ...

Kurt Thomas (kurtt0072) 11.11.2021 12:02
Thank you. I looked in there a bunch of times. I must have missed it.

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