XML issues

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created27.12.2021 16:52

Larry Horse (Larry) 27.12.2021 16:52
I have a truck mod that stumped me.
None of animations work, no speedRotatingParts rotate,connection hoses, invisible.... so on..
No errrors or warnings.
XML is vehicle type="tractor"
All the fraseing and paths are correct. I kind of know what I'm doing. I 've beed doing that since FS 11
modDesc is as basic as you get. No vehicleTypes, specializations. WTF?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 27.12.2021 18:58
If you have experience since FS11, you should know that XML structure and hierarchy often has changed.
Compare your mod carefully with a similar default vehicle to re-arrange the structure of xml tags to current state.

Larry Horse (Larry) 27.12.2021 19:10
The Xml Is basicly a copy of Mack superliner1979 That's why I'm asking

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 27.12.2021 19:31
sorry - no clairvoyants here.
If you've made changes on the original FS22 vehicle, only you know what you've modified.
Maybe a little typo which doesn't cause an error, but makes xml structure invalid. Perhaps check the xml with Notepad++ plugin "XML Tools".

Larry Horse (Larry) 27.12.2021 20:08
Thanx for advice! Do you think this is a XML problem or i3d could have something to do with it. It is not a modified vannila vechicle.
All the nodes check out I check them 1700 times

Larry Horse (Larry) 27.12.2021 20:29
Thanx for advice! Do you think this is a XML problem or i3d could have something to do with it. It is not a modified vannila vechicle

Larry Horse (Larry) 28.12.2021 01:48
I'm a dumbass.... i was rite there in front of me , twice

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