After Import to GE, Mesh is visible 3d model not visible

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created29.01.2022 15:21

M********* R******** (sharecropper27) 29.01.2022 15:21
I am importing a model from Blender

The mesh and all components are listed as below when the i3d file is loaded in GE.

visible -- Mesh and vehicle-compound collisions
invisible -- 3D model

How and what would I need to do in Blender to rectify?

p.S. Giants Farming Simulator Modding 5.0 tutorial was helpful but skips the assignment of compound mesh to the model itself. All i have found on the internet is tutorials on adding the game location to preferences in GE. I have already done that and have no issue importing i3d. The model itself is not visible.

Here is my i3d scene:
<Shape shapeId="1" name="MC331_main_component1" translation="-0.352267 3.99213 6.46299" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" dynamic="true" compound="true" collisionMask="2109442" clipDistance="300" nodeId="9" materialIds="1" castsShadows="true" receiveShadows="true" nonRenderable="true">
<TransformGroup name="MC331_vis" translation="0.352267 -3.99213 3.00454" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" clipDistance="300" nodeId="10">
<TransformGroup name="FillUnit" translation="0 -4.13839e-07 -9.46753" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="11"/>
<TransformGroup name="FillVolume" translation="0 -4.13839e-07 -9.46753" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="12"/>
<TransformGroup name="LIghts" translation="0 -4.13839e-07 -9.46753" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="13"/>
<Shape shapeId="2" name="Mesh" translation="-0.548348 4.20115 -3.50203" rotation="-2.60343e-05 -0 180" scale="-1.73331 -1.10161 -7.26782" nodeId="14" materialIds="2"/>
<Shape shapeId="2" name="ShadowFocusBox" translation="-0.454286 4.1531 -9.37088" rotation="-7.33324e-06 -0 0" scale="1.2885 1.19921 1.33867" dynamic="true" compoundChild="true" collisionMask="2109442" density="0.0001" nodeId="15" materialIds="2" nonRenderable="true"/>
<TransformGroup name="SupportArm" translation="0 -4.13839e-07 -9.46753" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="16">
<Shape shapeId="3" name="support_crank" translation="-1.13883 2.63955 3.03719" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" dynamic="true" clipDistance="300" nodeId="17" materialIds="1"/>
<Shape shapeId="2" name="supportcol" translation="0 1.98552 3.08463" rotation="-3.7603e-06 -0 0" scale="1 0.666361 0.193455" compoundChild="true" collisionMask="2109442" density="0.0001" nodeId="18" materialIds="2" nonRenderable="true"/>
<TransformGroup name="Wheels" translation="-0.0874527 0.0563006 -0.0774727" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="19">
<TransformGroup name="WheelRearRight" translation="0.486215 2.09868 2.55358" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="20"/>
<TransformGroup name="wheelFrontLeft" translation="-1.12875 2.11946 1.22373" rotation="-1.82123e-06 -180 -2.18948e-13" nodeId="21"/>
<TransformGroup name="wheelFrontRight" translation="0.552916 2.10634 1.20591" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="22"/>
<TransformGroup name="wheelRearLeft" translation="-1.16118 2.10812 2.54729" rotation="-1.82123e-06 -180 -2.18948e-13" nodeId="23"/>
<TransformGroup name="attachable " translation="0 -4.13839e-07 -9.46753" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="24">
<TransformGroup name="attacherjoint" translation="-0.332315 2.85128 -0.113293" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="25"/>
<TransformGroup name="wheelchocks" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="26">
<TransformGroup name="chocksupport1" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="27"/>
<TransformGroup name="chocksupport2" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="28"/>
<TransformGroup name="wheelchock1" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="29"/>
<TransformGroup name="wheelchock2" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="30"/>
<TransformGroup name="dischargenode" translation="0 -4.13839e-07 -9.46753" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="31"/>
<TransformGroup name="movingparts" translation="0 -4.13839e-07 -9.46753" rotation="-6.83019e-06 -0 0" nodeId="32"/>

i3d mapping:
<i3dMapping id="MC331_main_component1" node="0>" />
<i3dMapping id="MC331_vis" node="0>0" />
<i3dMapping id="FillUnit" node="0>0|0" />
<i3dMapping id="FillVolume" node="0>0|1" />
<i3dMapping id="LIghts" node="0>0|2" />
<i3dMapping id="Cube" node="0>0|3" />
<i3dMapping id="ShadowFocusBox" node="0>0|4" />
<i3dMapping id="SupportArm" node="0>0|5" />
<i3dMapping id="WheelRearRight" node="0>0|6|0" />
<i3dMapping id="wheelFrontLeft" node="0>0|6|1" />
<i3dMapping id="wheelFrontRight" node="0>0|6|2" />
<i3dMapping id="wheelRearLeft" node="0>0|6|3" />
<i3dMapping id="attachable" node="0>0|7" />
<i3dMapping id="attacherjoint" node="0>0|7|0" />
<i3dMapping id="wheelchocks" node="0>0|7|1" />
<i3dMapping id="chocksupport1" node="0>0|7|1|0" />
<i3dMapping id="chocksupport2" node="0>0|7|1|1" />
<i3dMapping id="wheelchock1" node="0>0|7|1|2" />
<i3dMapping id="wheelchock2" node="0>0|7|1|3" />
<i3dMapping id="dischargenode" node="0>0|8" />
<i3dMapping id="movingparts" node="0>0|9" />

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 29.01.2022 16:05
VehicleShader maybe.

M********* R******** (sharecropper27) 29.01.2022 22:44
This is a very simple issue but I hope this helps others:

Open i3d file with notepad++ and change the link to the vehicle shaders like below:

<File fileId="3" filename="$data/shaders/vehicleShader.xml"/>
<File fileId="1" filename="$data/shared/"/>

Make sure you're using the Giants vehicle shader and vmask. Use the "$" symbol and place it before "data"
this tells the game to only search in the game files, NOT YOUR MOD FOLDER. I hope this helps someone else.

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