FS22 how to change save game location

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created09.02.2022 04:08

Big Fella (bigfella) 09.02.2022 04:08
So i want to change the save game location from -
C:\Users\BigFella\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2022
to something different.
I have the game purchased twice so i can run a dedi server with the version from official site. Then play from the steam version.
I want to have a different location for savegames & mods for each game install. they are currently sharing the same file location above.
Im not talking about modsDirectoryOverride thats already pointing to E\: drive.
When i was hosting & playing from the same install, when the game had 16/16 pllayers it would drag my fps down to 20 using a 3080 & 10600k OK'd, running much better with seperate game to host dedi server instead.
Anyone know how to change loaction?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 10.02.2022 12:49
This is for FS19, not sure if it works still in FS22:
Append to the "FarmingSimulator2019Game.exe" the parameter -profile [path]

Big Fella (bigfella) 17.02.2022 02:08
Thank you,
I added this to my steam launch options & it did the trick.
-profile E:\Giants\MyGames\

Brandon Haught (agentcamo329) 26.02.2022 03:02


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