Shop Items displayed under the ground

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created21.02.2022 12:50

Michael T. (mx11de) 21.02.2022 12:50
Hello, I create a ModMap and with this all shop items are pulled under the floor when loading in the shop, so they are not displayed. There is no setting in the modmap that should manipulate this. There is no error in the log either. Does somebody has any idea?

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 21.02.2022 19:24
Have you tried adjustingthe storeSpawnPlaceStart and storeSpawnPlaceEnd transform groups ?

Which are located in the transform group gameplay -- vehicleShop in the scenograph.

Michael T. (mx11de) 22.02.2022 15:13
I fix the problem with an map specific shop.xml and an modified yOffseet

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