Category | Farming Simulator 22 |
Created | 16.03.2022 17:39 |
Christian Hill (WiredOrange) | 16.03.2022 17:39 |
I am looking at making an in-game script so I can edit in-game data from a website. (IE Adding/Removing money, spawning in vehicles @ a certain location) Obviously, this also means I need to read data. I asked a few months ago on discord and someone said that all HTTP(s) is handled in the engine and it's blocked in LUA. I just wanted to know if this was still true and if it is, is there another way around this? |
Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) | 16.03.2022 19:24 |
I doubt that it would be possible as it would obviously be a security issue and leave the game open to all sorts of hacks/problems. |
Matheus Contassot (mattcontassot) | 17.03.2022 21:30 |
I am trying to do a thing like that, I want give contract for another farmer without need to be in game. |
Matheus Contassot (mattcontassot) | 17.03.2022 21:35 |
I would like add this tag in farms.xml: <contracting> <farm farmId="2"/> </contracting> Of corse if only add this in farms.xml will only work after server reboot... because it is the only moment the server read this file, otherwise only write. But I am sure it's possible to do a thing like that through a mod. |
Michael T. (mx11de) | 21.03.2022 19:02 |
@mattcontassot Write it to an extra xml file an save or read it perodic with an script and then to the MissionManager |
Matheus Contassot (mattcontassot) | 28.03.2022 00:36 |
@mx11de I'm a dev but not modder, I read the documentation about MissionManager and I guess it's related only between player and npc contract, am I wrong? What I want is farm A gives authorization for farmer B (farmId="2") access his fields and equipments, like: <contracting> <farm farmId="2"/> </contracting> Are you sure if I reasearch again about "missionManager" function I'll be able to do this even not beeing online in the server? P.S: I read about the function here: |
Matheus Contassot (mattcontassot) | 28.03.2022 00:55 |
@mx11de I'm a dev but not modder, I read the documentation about MissionManager and I guess it's related only between player and npc contract, am I wrong? What I want is farm A gives authorization for farmer B (farmId="2") access his fields and equipments, like: <contracting> <farm farmId="2"/> </contracting> Are you sure if I reasearch again about "missionManager" function I'll be able to do this even not beeing online in the server? P.S: I read about the function here: |
Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) | 28.03.2022 11:56 |
You will probably find the FS19 script has been updated so check the new scripts in the debugger data$_scripts folder Also as you appear to want to give permissions there is this function in the MissionStartEvent.lua function MissionStartEvent:run(connection) if not connection:getIsServer() then local senderUserId = g_currentMission.userManager:getUserIdByConnection(connection) local senderFarm = g_farmManager:getFarmByUserId(senderUserId) if g_currentMission:getHasPlayerPermission("manageContracts", connection, senderFarm.farmId) then g_missionManager:startMission(self.mission, self.farmId, self.spawnVehicles) end end end |
Filip G. (BSCTM) | 21.03.2023 20:15 |
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