Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created02.04.2022 17:14

David Foster (braveheart) 02.04.2022 17:14
I thought I was rid of this problem and have done everything I can with the grle converter and changed the size of the png's the converter spits out to a hundred different sizes and still have the issue with the red square for needs plowed and green square for needs lime are no where near where I make the start the creation of the field weather I start a field in game or make a plowed field state with the terrain detail in the editor only in this one section of my map that I intentally left with no fields there because I was having the problem for example I plowed 1 line in game in the upper left part of map and checked the soil composition and there was 1 solid red line for needs to be plowed but no where near where I just plowed it pops up way in the lower right of the map I have seriously tried a ton of resolution fixes with the png's I've tried a ton of different things in the editor using the terrain detail and erasing the different terrain like grass meadows everything I know I can possible try and I'm seriously heart broken because I've been playing on my map for the last 3 days and everything was working smoothly until I decided to go to that 1 area of the map and create some fields and discovered the red square problem I had before did fix at all and I'm stuck again with this troublesome problem especially after streaming it and getting outstanding views and comments on my map please please someone help me figure this out please Thank you Colin and Ed in advance because I know y'all are going to most likely be helping problem child Dave LOL

Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) 02.04.2022 22:31
I thought this issue was done with!! I have a lot going on today but I'll be free tonight (for the most part). I'll hit you up on Discord but in the meantime see if you can zip up the project and upload it to Google drive or someplace similar. It would help immensely to have the actual project in front of me to work on if you really want to get to the bottom of this.

David Foster (braveheart) 03.04.2022 02:16
okay no problem

Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) 03.04.2022 17:36
Everything should be all sorted out now bud. Let me know if anything else comes up. I fixed a handful of bad file paths, broken and missing shaders, and I fixed the field attributes. I also resized a couple of the density maps, they were still wrong. There were some other things I cleaned up or fixed but I can't remember all of them. All of my tests came out ok, so I don't think you'll have to worry about plow level or lime levels again, but keep in mind there are some other errors in the log that should be addressed. Let me know if you need any more help and we'll get you squared away.

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