Fs19 T0 FS22 trailer mod rear wheel steering

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created02.04.2022 23:44

Martin Cowell (farmingmartin) 02.04.2022 23:44
I have converted a trailer from FS19 To FS22 using GE and it has converted it all except the rear wheel steering. I have studied an FS22 trailer mod by Giants with working rear wheel steering and altered the XML files to the same except for the parameters where I have substituted them for the original values .Now the trailer has rear wheel steering but only when turning Right. If I turn left the wheels remain straight. Can anyone shed any light on where I have gone wrong. In Giants remote debugger I get the following error "couldn't find end of start tag steering line85. The Alterations to the XML file are as follows (Line 85 is second line below).

<steeringAxle rotmin="-25"rotMax="25"scale="-0.7"/>
(line85) <steering nodeMaxTransX="-0.098"nodeMinTransX="0.098" node="axleBackSteering"/>
<wheel filename="$data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TwinRadial/560_60R22_5.xml" isLeft="true" hasTireTracks="true"
<physics tipOcclusionAreaGroupId="2" restLoad="1.3" repr="6ratas" driveNode="wheelRLeft" forcePointRatio="0.7"
initialCompression="65" suspTravel="0.15" spring="25" damper="50"/>
<steeringAxle rotMin="-25" rotMax="25" scale="-0.7"/>

Martin Cowell (farmingmartin) 07.04.2022 21:09
all sorted now re edited the XML files and it works i . must of had something wrong but could not see it.

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 08.04.2022 11:16
No space between first and second items <steering nodeMaxTransX="-0.098"nodeMinTransX="0.098" should be <steering nodeMaxTransX="-0.098" nodeMinTransX="0.098".
Always use notepad++ XML checker (Plugins Admins and select XML Tools) it will show where the errors are.

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