Custom Keybinds to Activate Lighting

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created16.04.2022 07:43

Justin Hockings (HX56Music) 16.04.2022 07:43
Hello from Australia!

First time posting here, and I'm a total beginner at modding.

I'm currently working on a traffic director / arrow board that I can put atop tractors and other vehicles. I have 3 signalling patterns I want to be able to make the arrow board display, but I'm unsure how to program keybinds to activate specific lights. In total, the arrow board has 9 light segments, and I want to be able to do a right arrow, left arrow, and hazard signal (alternating diagonals, 2 lights on at a time). I'm unsure where to begin and looking for any help I can get.

Please let me know if additional explaining or screenshots are necessary, I'm really hoping someone is able to help.

Thank you.

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