Can't add fencing to my map

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created18.04.2022 13:50

A Douglass (901meister) 18.04.2022 13:50
I am working on a new map and went into the game to add some fences to create a placeable in my map. In game I cannot add any type of fence as I am getting a "collides with object" error only on fences. I can add sheds, silos etc. but not fences. I don't understand as I added fences to my cow pastures earlier in my build. Did fences get "broken" by a patch since my last addition or is there a problem with an infolayer? My map has no errors in the editor or when loading in game.

A Douglass (901meister) 18.04.2022 15:11
Problem solved. I am making a map based in Florida and my waterplane is rather high and seems to be colliding with the fences. Removed collision from the waterplane and all is well

Esditas Dave (esditas) 11.05.2022 15:56

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