Farming Simulator 22 Test Runner 0.8.1

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CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created23.04.2022 16:24

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 23.04.2022 16:24
Yet another update that hasn't been announced on the forums

Changelog for 0.8.1

v0.8.1 22.04.2022
- increased modDesc verstion to 65 / patch 1.4
- updated ShaderCheckEditor Material Configuration Cache and basegame duplicate hashes for patch 1.4

Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) 26.04.2022 23:32
Does anyone else get very mixed results from testrunner? For example, I had something fail because for compression it uses BC1 but requires DXT1 ... the last time I checked they're the same thing. I'm supposing this has something to do with my directory structure but, one section fails every single placeable because it says they cannot be found and it does the same with every single store item. I just think it's odd that the game engine is able to find and read them just fine, yet testrunner cannot. Testrunner fails every single one of my _weight files because it says they are available in base game. I suppose naming them differently might get around this, but should you have to? And why would it fail any _weight files at all? I can't think of any circumstance where it would be okay to use the base game _weights for a mod map.

Do some of these tests not apply to maps and that's why they fail?

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 27.04.2022 11:04
Very strange , I've just done a check on a custom map and have no _weight files listed in the base game duplicates and all placeables are listed along with their estimated slot count.
The BC1/Dxt1 error is sometimes caused by not using the icon generator or the texture tool to create some textures
My game and editor are on a separate 'F' SSD drive only the Farming Simulator 2022 saveGame/input binding folder is on the main windows 'C' drive

Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) 27.04.2022 12:07
I have roughly the same setup. The game and editor are on SSD 'C' while saveGame/input binding is on SSD 'E'. For "slot check" everything passes. "Data Collector Results" every one of the placeable xmls as referenced in 'store items' cannot be found. "Obsolete Source Files" are where all of my _weights are failing. The best part is 'Faulty I3D files' is a massive list and 100% of them are all Giants! I may be one version behind on testrunner but that surely can't be the issue. My placeables folder sits at top level with and modesc and I thought that was the issue but when I change it, it makes no difference. The rest of the failures are all placeable images but there is the off chance that some of them actually are not used. Oh, and 'deeply nested' directories ... I didn't realize that was going to be an issue and there is a ton of work to do to get that in order.

I have to look into this a bit deeper because 90% of this should not be failing.

Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) 27.04.2022 13:51
Something must definitely be off with my setup. Even the icon generator is showing ZERO mods and ZERO DLC. The only items showing up are all base game. The log says it analyzed 132 items? It makes no sense, all the settings are correct and the log is fine. I'm not having a very good morning with Giant's software :)

EDIT: I also found that storeitems will pass if you move them into Moddesc, but they fail if you keep them in storeitems.xml. So what exactly is storeitems.xml supposed to be used for?

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 27.04.2022 15:37
Not 100% sure on this but I think the storeItems.xml is only for base game items, wheras the modDesc entry is for all other custom placeables etc.

Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) 27.04.2022 17:47
Sounds about right because that's the way I ultimately left it, and it was fine. Oddly enough, once that was fixed ... the icon generator now recognized that mod. It's still failing all of the _weight files though.

Markóth János (CyTec) 01.02.2023 08:51
Unusable piece of shit. It's not good for anything.

madarHR 12.02.2023 12:03
Hello i recently reinstalled fs22. When i try to use Test Runner latest version it says No game installation path set/found. I tried g GAMEPATH or p indentifier path but as soon as i press any key on keyboard the testrunner closes and i cannot type anything. Any ideas?

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