Placeable objects rotate

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created16.05.2022 09:10

Kurth Lamai (Kurth) 16.05.2022 09:10
Search the XML entries to permanently rotate a placeable object 360 degrees.

Something like rotating a chimney hat permanently, within a map you can do this with the "onCreate" entries.

In the placeable mod only via an XML entry or a shader as in LS19. Unfortunately, this (meshRotateShader.xml) is no longer available.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work the way it does in the windmills.

<windTurbine headNode="headNode" headAdjustToWind="false" optimalWindSpeed="5">
<animationNode node="rotationNode" rotSpeed="100" rotAxis="3" />

Is there another possibility?

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