use effect and animation for production Point

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created04.06.2022 08:33

Gwendal Saffre (gwendal) 04.06.2022 08:33
hello, I want to make several animations for my Point productions with the animationNode and effectNodes functions but they are not used for Point productions in farming simulator 22 and no mod uses these functions. Is there a tutorial, PDF, video that explains how to use this. THANK YOU

PS: I am familiar with placeable.html but it does not explain how to use these lines of code

Kristian (krisjo01) 04.06.2022 23:44
Hello, if you search for productionPoint in the xml documentation you can see everything that's possible to add in a production point :-)

XML doc:

Can also be found in game install location: Farming Simulator 22/shared/xml/documentatiion/placeable.html

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