
Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created24.07.2022 23:11

Patton_M47 24.07.2022 23:11
how do I convert a shader from FS19 to 22

Patton_M47 25.07.2022 00:05
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<CustomShader version="4">
<Parameter name="RDT" target="RDT" type="float4" group="base" defaultValue="1.0 1.0 20.0 20.0" minValue = "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" maxValue = "1.0 1.0 50.0 50.0"/>
<Parameter name="offsetUV" target="offsetUV" type="float4" group="offsetUV" defaultValue="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" minValue = "-10.0 -10.0 -10.0 -10.0" maxValue = "10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0"/>
<Parameter name="uvCenterSize" target="uvCenterSize" type="float4" group="uvRotate" defaultValue="0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0" minValue = "-1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0" maxValue = "1.0 1.0 50.0 50.0"/>
<Parameter name="uvScale" target="uvScale" type="float4" group="uvScale" defaultValue="1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0" minValue = "-10.0 -10.0 -10.0 -10.0" maxValue = "10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0"/>
<Parameter name="colorScale" target="colorScale" type="float4" group="color" defaultValue="0.8 0.55 0.055 1.0" minValue = "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" maxValue = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"/>
<Parameter name="morphPosition" target="morphPosition" type="float4" group="morphPosition" defaultValue="-0.45 -0.915 0.5 0.1" minValue = "-4.0 -4.0 0.0 0.0" maxValue = "2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0"/>
<Parameter name="scrollPosition" target="scrollPosition" type="float4" group="scroll" defaultValue="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<Parameter name="lengthAndRadius" target="lengthAndRadius" type="float4" group="scroll" defaultValue="2.0 0.5 0.0 0.0"/>
<Parameter name="widthAndDiam" target="widthAndDiam" type="float2" group="rim" defaultValue="40 40"/>
<Parameter name="connectorPos" target="connectorPos" type="float4" group="connectorPos" defaultValue="0 80 40 40"/>
<Parameter name="numberOfStaticsAndDiam" target="numberOfStaticsAndDiam" type="float2" group="numStatics" defaultValue="4 40"/>
<Parameter name="connectorPosAndScale" target="connectorPosAndScale" type="float3" group="connectorPosAndScale" defaultValue="0 80 1.0"/>
<Parameter name="beltPos" target="beltPos" type="float" group="beltPos" defaultValue="0.0"/>
<Parameter name="cv0" target="cv0" type="float4" group="catmull" defaultValue="2 2 -5 0"/>
<Parameter name="cv1" target="cv1" type="float4" group="catmull" defaultValue="0 0 0 0"/>
<Parameter name="cv2" target="cv2" type="float4" group="catmull" defaultValue="0 0 10 0"/>
<Parameter name="cv3" target="cv3" type="float4" group="catmull" defaultValue="-2 2 15 0"/>
<Parameter name="lengthInvLength" target="lengthInvLength" type="float4" group="catmull" defaultValue="10 0.1 0 0"/>
<Parameter name="uvHide" target="uvHide" type="float4" group="uvHide" defaultValue="0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0" minValue = "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" maxValue = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"/>
<Parameter name="axisCompression" target="axisCompression" type="float4" group="jiggling" defaultValue="1 0 0 5"/>
<Parameter name="amplFreq" target="amplFreq" type="float4" group="jiggling" defaultValue="1 1 0 0"/>
<Texture name="DirtNmap" defaultColorProfile="linearRGB" defaultFilename="../shared/dirt_normal.png"/>
<Variation name="meshScroll" groups="base scroll">
// Enables caterpillar mesh scrolling
<Variation name="uvScroll" groups="base offsetUV">
// Enables UV scrolling
#define UV_SCROLL
<Variation name="uvScrollHideBySecondUV" groups="base offsetUV uvHide">
#define UV_SCROLL
<Variation name="uvRotate" groups="base offsetUV uvRotate">
// Enables UV rotation
#define UV_ROTATE
<Variation name="uvScale" groups="base uvScale">
// Enables UV scaling
#define UV_SCALE
<Variation name="Decal">
// Enables 2nd UV set for specular
<Variation name="Window">
// should be used with akphaBlended material
#define WINDOW
<Variation name="colorMask" groups="base color">
// Enables colorPainting by mask from glossMap.a
#define COLOR_MASK
<Variation name="tirePressureDeformation" groups="base morphPosition">
// Enables deformation of the tire (offset vertices of the mesh)
<Variation name="RIM" groups="base rim color">
// Enables smart scale for some parts of the mesh (masked by vertex colors)
// see example file
#define RIM
<Variation name="RIM_colorMask" groups="base rim color">
#define RIM
#define COLOR_MASK
<Variation name="RIM_numberOfStatics_colorMask" groups="base numStatics color">
#define COLOR_MASK
<Variation name="RIM_DUAL1_colorMask" groups="base connectorPos numStatics color">
// Enables smart scale for some parts of the mesh (masked by vertex colors)
// see example file
#define RIM_DUAL1
#define COLOR_MASK
<Variation name="HUB_DUAL1_colorMask" groups="base connectorPosAndScale color">
// Enables smart scale for some parts of the mesh (masked by vertex colors)
// see example file
#define HUB_DUAL1
#define COLOR_MASK
<Variation name="BELT_KUHN" groups="base beltPos">
// Enables smart mesh and uv deform (masked by vertex colors)
// see example file
#define BELT_KUHN
<Variation name="LOCAL_CATMULL_ROM" groups="base catmull">
// Enables 4 points Catmull rom spline
<Variation name="jiggling" groups="base jiggling">
// Enables jiggling effect
// requires:
// vertexColor.rgb - jiggling (roatation) pivot (per vertex part)
// vertexColor.a - random value used to offset jiggling (makes unique movement per vertex part)
// In.texCoords1.x - controls intensity of jiggling (used as 0..1 gradient)
<LodLevel startDistance = "0">
<CodeInjection position = "MATERIALINFO">
RDT.y - Dirt Amount
RDT.z - Dirt Texture Tile
uniform float4 RDT;
#if defined( MESH_SCROLL )
Assumption fisrt_circle.radius == second_circle.radius, see example file how to use it
scrollPosition.x - position of the caterpillar elements (scrolling time based parameter)
lengthAndRadius.x - caterpillar length (from fisrt_circle center to second_circle center)
lengthAndRadius.y - caterpillar radius (circle radius)
uniform float4 scrollPosition;
uniform float4 lengthAndRadius;
#if defined( UV_SCROLL ) || defined( UV_ROTATE )
offsetUV.xy - translate
offsetUV.z - rotate
uniform float4 offsetUV;
#if defined( HIDE_BY_SECOND_UV )
uniform float4 uvHide;
#if defined( UV_ROTATE )
uvCenterSize.xy - roattion center in UV space (for example, 0.25 0.5 ) - proportion of the texture ( for example, 2x1 (horizontal x vertical) == 512x256 )
uniform float4 uvCenterSize;
#if defined( UV_SCALE )
uvScale.xy - scale UV
uniform float4 uvScale;
#if defined( COLOR_MASK )
colorScale - rgb color multiplied by albedo.rgb, uses specular.a for masking
uniform float4 colorScale;
Enables tirePressureDeformation uses morphPosition parameter
morphPosition.x - start deforming position ( objectSpace by "Y" )
morphPosition.y - end deforming position ( objectSpace by "Y" )
morphPosition.z - mPushOutRatio HARDCODED // relationship between deformation and mPushOut ( 0 - [do noting], 1 - [mPushOut == mPushUp] )
morphPosition.w - mPushUp - deformation in meters
uniform float4 morphPosition;
#if defined( RIM )
widthAndDiam.x - rim width (real size in inches)
widthAndDiam.y - diameter of the rim (real size in inches)
uniform float2 widthAndDiam;
#if defined( RIM_DUAL1 )
connectorPos.x - offset of the hooks ( absolute, do not offset other parameters, in inches )
connectorPos.y - fisrt rim width (real size in inches)
connectorPos.z - connection between rims (real sixe in inches)
connectorPos.w - second rim width (real size in inches)

Pivot point for the second rim (in meters) is:
( 0.5*connectorPos.y + connectorPos.z + 0.5*connectorPos.w ) * 0.0254
uniform float4 connectorPos;
numberOfStaticsAndDiam.x - number of hooks
numberOfStaticsAndDiam.y - diameter of the rim (real size in inches)
uniform float2 numberOfStaticsAndDiam;
#if defined( HUB_DUAL1 )
connectorPosAndScale.x - offset of the center ( absolute, do not offset other parameters, in inches )
connectorPosAndScale.y - offset to the second hub (real size in inches)
connectorPosAndScale.z - object scale
uniform float3 connectorPosAndScale;
#if defined( BELT_KUHN )
beltPos - defines bending position of vertices
uniform float beltPos;
#if defined( LOCAL_CATMULL_ROM )
the curve is placed between cv1 and cv2.
cv0 and cv3 control the tangential direction at cv1 and cv2 respectively
uniform float4 cv0;
uniform float4 cv1;
uniform float4 cv2;
uniform float4 cv3;
uniform float4 lengthInvLength;
#if defined( MESH_JIGGLING )
/* - jiggle (rotation) around this axis
axisCompression.w - compression value for vertexColors (vertex colors limited to 0..1)
amplFreq.x - amplitude of jiggling
amplFreq.y - frequency of jiggling
amplFreq.z - 0..1 amount of jiggling elements
amplFreq.w - time controlled by script
uniform float4 axisCompression;
uniform float4 amplFreq;
<CodeInjection position = "SAMPLERS">
sampler2D DirtNmap;
<CodeInjection position = "FS_GLOBALS">
float4 gGloss;
float gAO;
float gDirt;
<CodeInjection position = "CONFIG_DEFINES">

#if defined( DECAL_RENDER )
// Remap gloss map lookups to our custom tex coord
#define GLOSSMAP_TEXCOORD glossMapTexCoords2
<CodeInjection position="VS_OUTPUT">
#if defined( DECAL_RENDER )
float2 glossMapTexCoords2 : TEXCOORDn;
#if defined( HIDE_BY_SECOND_UV )
float2 albedoMapTexCoord2 : TEXCOORDn;
<CodeInjection position="SAMPLERS">
#if defined( UV_ROTATE )
float2 m_getUVRotationSinCos( )
float mTime = offsetUV.z;
float2 mSinCos;
// compute sin and cos for this angle
sincos( mTime, mSinCos.x, mSinCos.y );
return mSinCos;
#if defined( MESH_JIGGLING )
float3 m_getQuaternionDeformPos( float mAngle, float3 mAxis, float3 mPos )
float4 mQr = float4(0,0,0,0);
float mHalfAngle = ( mAngle * 0.5 ) * 3.14159 / 180.0;
mQr.x = mAxis.x * sin( mHalfAngle );
mQr.y = mAxis.y * sin( mHalfAngle );
mQr.z = mAxis.z * sin( mHalfAngle );
mQr.w = cos( mHalfAngle );
float3 mQ = float3(mQr.x,mQr.y,mQr.z);
float3 mDeformPos = mPos + 2.0 * cross( mQ, cross(mQ, mPos) + mQr.w*mPos );
return mDeformPos;
<CodeInjection position="GET_POSITION_VS">
float3 mPos =;
#if defined( MESH_JIGGLING )
float mAttenuation = In.texCoords1.x;
float3 mAxis =;
float mCompression = axisCompression.w;
float mAmplitude = amplFreq.x;
float mFrequency = amplFreq.y;
float mJigAmountElements = 1 - amplFreq.z;
float mTime = amplFreq.w;
float mSinus = sin(2.78*In.color.a + 5.67*mTime*mFrequency)*sin(16.75*In.color.a - 28.45*mTime*mFrequency);
float mAngle = 10*mAmplitude*saturate(mSinus);
mAngle *= saturate(sign( sin(0.53*mTime + 23.16*In.color.a) * sin(1.476*mTime - 12.78*In.color.a ) - mJigAmountElements ));

float3 mPivot = mCompression*(2.0* - 1.0);
mPos -= mPivot;
float3 mDeformPos = m_getQuaternionDeformPos(mAngle,mAxis,mPos);
mPos = lerp( mPos, mDeformPos, mAttenuation );
mPos += mPivot;
return mPos;
#if defined( BELT_KUHN )
mPos.x += beltPos*In.color.x;
mPos.x += 2*beltPos*In.color.z;
return mPos;
float mDiameter = 0.0254 * numberOfStaticsAndDiam.y;
// Apply radial distortion (we assume that the initial mesh radius is 1)
if (In.color.w < 0.5) {
// Move whole blocks towards the center that are placed around the rim with the same angular distance
float stepSize = 6.283185307179586476925286766559 / numberOfStaticsAndDiam.x;
float angle = atan2(In.position.y, In.position.z);
angle = floor(angle / stepSize + 0.5) * stepSize;
float2 d = float2(sin(angle), cos(angle));
mPos.yz = In.position.yz + d * (mDiameter-1)*0.5;
} else {
mPos.yz = In.position.yz + normalize(In.position.yz) * (mDiameter-1)*0.5;
#if defined( RIM_NUMBER_OF_STATICS )
return mPos;
#if defined( RIM )
float2 mWidthAndDiam = 0.0254 * widthAndDiam.xy; // inch to meter convertion
// Apply radial distortion (we assume that the mesh radius is 1)
mPos.yz = In.position.yz + normalize(In.position.yz) * (mWidthAndDiam.y-1)*0.5;
// Apply distortion along x axis from 2 control points (control points in the mesh are assumed to be 0.5 from the center)
mPos.x = In.color.x * (In.position.x + mWidthAndDiam.x*0.5-0.5);
mPos.x += In.color.y * (In.position.x - mWidthAndDiam.x*0.5+0.5);
mPos.x += (1-(dot(In.color.xy, float2(1,1)))) * In.position.x;
return mPos;
#if defined( RIM_DUAL1 )
// Apply distortion along x axis from 3 control points (distance between control points in the mesh is assumed to be 1)
float mSide = 1.0;
if ( In.position.x < 0 ) {
mSide = -1.0;
float4 mRealPosition = 0.0254 * connectorPos; // convert inches to meters
mPos.x = (1-In.color.x)*(1-In.color.y)*(1-In.color.z)*( In.position.x + mSide*mRealPosition.x);
mRealPosition.y *= 0.5;
mPos.x += In.color.x * (In.position.x + mSide*(mRealPosition.y-1));
mRealPosition.z += mRealPosition.y;
mPos.x += In.color.y * (In.position.x + mSide*(mRealPosition.z-2));
mRealPosition.w += mRealPosition.z;
mPos.x += In.color.z * (In.position.x + mSide*(mRealPosition.w-3));
mPos.x += (1-(dot(, float3(1,1,1)))) * In.position.x;
return mPos;
#if defined( HUB_DUAL1 )
float2 mRealPosition = 0.0254 * connectorPosAndScale.xy;
float mSide = 1.0;
if ( In.position.x < 0 ) {
mSide = -1.0;
mPos.x += In.color.x * mSide*( - 1 );
mPos *= connectorPosAndScale.z;
mPos.x += In.color.y * mSide*( 4 *(1 - connectorPosAndScale.z ) );

mPos.x += In.color.x * mSide* mRealPosition.x;
mPos.x += In.color.y * mSide* ( mRealPosition.y - 4 );
return mPos;
float3 localY = mul(float3(0,1,0), (float3x3)modelMatrix);
localY.x = 0;
localY = normalize(localY);

float3 mDeformedPosition =;
float localYPosition = dot(In.position, localY);

float mBlendIn = morphPosition.x;
float mBlendOut = morphPosition.y;

float mMaskBase = saturate((localYPosition - mBlendIn) / ( mBlendOut - mBlendIn ));
float mMask = sin( mMaskBase * 3.14159 );

float mPushOutRatio = 0.5; //morphPosition.z;
float mPushUp = morphPosition.w;
float mBound = abs( mBlendOut - mBlendIn );
mPushUp = clamp( mPushUp, 0.0, mBound );
float mPushOut = mPushUp * mPushOutRatio;

mDeformedPosition.x += mPushOut * mMask * sign(In.position.x);
mDeformedPosition += localY * (mPushUp * mMaskBase);
return float4( mDeformedPosition, 1.0 );
<CodeInjection position="POST_SET_TEXCOORDS_VS">
#if defined( BELT_KUHN )
float2 mUV = convertDefaultTexCoords( In, In.texCoords0.xy );
float mScaler1 = beltPos + 1;
float mScaler2 = 1 - 0.5 * beltPos;
mUV.y = lerp( mUV.y, mUV.y * mScaler1, In.color.y );
mUV.y = lerp( mUV.y, ( mUV.y + 0.25 ) * mScaler2 - 0.25, In.color.w );
float mBlendFactor = In.color.x*(1-In.color.y)*(1-In.color.z)*(1-In.color.w);
float mScaler3 = 0.5 * beltPos;
mUV.y = lerp( mUV.y, mUV.y + mScaler3, mBlendFactor);
Out.defaultTexCoords = mUV;
#if defined( DECAL_RENDER )
// Pass second UVSet to the Pixel Shader
Out.glossMapTexCoords2 = convertDefaultTexCoords( In, In.texCoords1.xy );
#if defined( HIDE_BY_SECOND_UV )
Out.albedoMapTexCoord2 = convertDefaultTexCoords( In, In.texCoords1.xy );
#if defined( UV_ROTATE ) && defined( ALBEDO_MAP )
float2 mOutgoingUV = getDefaultTexCoords(In);
mOutgoingUV *=;
float2 mRotationCenter = uvCenterSize.xy;
mRotationCenter *=;
float2 mSinCos = m_getUVRotationSinCos();
// move the rotation center to the origin
float2 mTmpUV = mOutgoingUV - mRotationCenter;
// rotate the uv
mOutgoingUV.x = dot( mTmpUV, float2( mSinCos.y, - mSinCos.x ) );
mOutgoingUV.y = dot( mTmpUV, mSinCos.xy );
// move the uv's back to the correct place
mOutgoingUV += mRotationCenter;
mOutgoingUV /=;
Out.defaultTexCoords = mOutgoingUV;
#if defined( UV_SCROLL ) && defined( ALBEDO_MAP )
float2 mUV = getDefaultTexCoords(In);
mUV.xy += offsetUV.xy;
Out.defaultTexCoords = mUV;

#if defined( UV_SCALE ) && defined( ALBEDO_MAP )
float2 mUV = getDefaultTexCoords(In);
mUV.xy *= uvScale.xy;
Out.defaultTexCoords = mUV;
<CodeInjection position="START_POS_VS">
#if defined( MESH_SCROLL )
float mTotalLenght = 3.1415926*lengthAndRadius.y + 2*lengthAndRadius.x;

float crawlerRadius = lengthAndRadius.y;
float crawlerRadiusPi = 3.1415926*crawlerRadius;
float crawlerLength = lengthAndRadius.x;

float posFirstRot = crawlerLength;
float posAfterRot = posFirstRot + crawlerRadiusPi;
float posAfterBottom = posAfterRot + crawlerLength;
float posAfterLastRot = posAfterBottom + crawlerRadiusPi;

float offsetZRaw = mTotalLenght * ( scrollPosition.x - floor(scrollPosition.x) );
position.z = fmod(position.z+offsetZRaw,posAfterLastRot);

float3 origPosition =;

if (origPosition.z > posFirstRot)
// z=0 -> 0
// z=pi*r -> pi
float angle = (origPosition.z - posFirstRot) / crawlerRadius;
position.z = posFirstRot + sin(angle)*origPosition.y;
position.y = cos(angle)*origPosition.y;
if (origPosition.z > posAfterRot) {
position.z = posFirstRot - (origPosition.z - posAfterRot);
position.y = -origPosition.y;
if (origPosition.z > posAfterBottom) {
// z=0 -> 0
// z=pi*r -> pi
float angle = (origPosition.z - posAfterBottom) / crawlerRadius;
position.z = - sin(angle)*origPosition.y;
position.y = - cos(angle)*origPosition.y;
#if defined( LOCAL_CATMULL_ROM )
float3 v = float3( position.x, position.y, 0 );

// q(t) = 0.5f *((2 * P1) + (-P0 + P2) * t + (2*P0 - 5*P1 + 4*P2 - P3) * t^2 + (-P0 + 3*P1 - 3*P2 + P3) * t^3)

float sT = position.z/lengthInvLength.x;
float3 splinePos = 0.5f *((2.0f* + (-*sT + (2.0f* - 5.0f* + 4.0f* - * (sT*sT) + (- + 3.0f* - 3.0f* + * (sT*sT*sT));

float sT2 = (position.z+0.01f)/lengthInvLength.x;
float3 splinePos2 = 0.5f *((2.0f* + (-*sT2 + (2.0f* - 5.0f* + 4.0f* - * (sT2*sT2) + (- + 3.0f* - 3.0f* + * (sT2*sT2*sT2));

// calculate rotation matrix
float3 z1 = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float3 z2 = normalize( - );

float3 ra = normalize( cross(z2, z1) ); // rot. axis
float a = acos( dot(z2, z1) ); // rot. angle

float sa = sin(a);
float ca = cos(a);
float cam = 1.0f - ca;

float3x3 rotMat = float3x3(
ra.x*ra.x * cam + ca, ra.y*ra.x * cam + ra.z*sa, ra.z*ra.x * cam - ra.y*sa,
ra.x*ra.y * cam - ra.z*sa, ra.y*ra.y * cam + ca, ra.z*ra.y * cam + ra.x*sa,
ra.x*ra.z * cam + ra.y*sa, ra.y*ra.z * cam - ra.x*sa, ra.z*ra.z * cam + ca
); = + mul( rotMat, v );
<CodeInjection position="GET_NORMAL_VS">
#if defined( MESH_SCROLL )
float3 normal =;
float mTotalLenght = 3.1415926*lengthAndRadius.y + 2*lengthAndRadius.x;

float crawlerRadius = lengthAndRadius.y;
float crawlerRadiusPi = 3.1415926*crawlerRadius;
float crawlerLength = lengthAndRadius.x;

float posFirstRot = crawlerLength;
float posAfterRot = posFirstRot + crawlerRadiusPi;
float posAfterBottom = posAfterRot + crawlerLength;
float posAfterLastRot = posAfterBottom + crawlerRadiusPi;

float offsetZRaw = mTotalLenght * ( scrollPosition.x - floor(scrollPosition.x) );
float posZ = fmod(getPosition(In).z+offsetZRaw,posAfterLastRot);

if (posZ > posFirstRot) {
// z=0 -> 0
// z=pi*r -> pi
float angle = (posZ - posFirstRot) / crawlerRadius;

float cosAngle = cos(angle);
float sinAngle = sin(angle);

normal.y = cosAngle*In.normal.y - sinAngle*In.normal.z;
normal.z = sinAngle*In.normal.y + cosAngle*In.normal.z;
if (posZ > posAfterRot) {
normal.yz = -In.normal.yz;
if (posZ > posAfterBottom) {
// z=0 -> 0
// z=pi*r -> pi
float angle = (posZ - posAfterBottom) / crawlerRadius;

float cosAngle = cos(angle);
float sinAngle = sin(angle);

normal.y = -cosAngle*In.normal.y + sinAngle*In.normal.z;
normal.z = -sinAngle*In.normal.y - cosAngle*In.normal.z;

return normal;
<CodeInjection position="GET_TANGENT_VS">
#if defined( MESH_SCROLL )
float3 tangent =;
float mTotalLenght = 3.1415926*lengthAndRadius.y + 2*lengthAndRadius.x;

float crawlerRadius = lengthAndRadius.y;
float crawlerRadiusPi = 3.1415926*crawlerRadius;
float crawlerLength = lengthAndRadius.x;

float posFirstRot = crawlerLength;
float posAfterRot = posFirstRot + crawlerRadiusPi;
float posAfterBottom = posAfterRot + crawlerLength;
float posAfterLastRot = posAfterBottom + crawlerRadiusPi;

float offsetZRaw = mTotalLenght * ( scrollPosition.x - floor(scrollPosition.x) );
float posZ = fmod(getPosition(In).z+offsetZRaw,posAfterLastRot);

if (posZ > posFirstRot) {
// z=0 -> 0
// z=pi*r -> pi
float angle = (posZ - posFirstRot) / crawlerRadius;

float cosAngle = cos(angle);
float sinAngle = sin(angle);

tangent.y = cosAngle*In.tangent.y - sinAngle*In.tangent.z;
tangent.z = sinAngle*In.tangent.y + cosAngle*In.tangent.z;
if (posZ > posAfterRot) {
tangent.yz = -In.tangent.yz;
if (posZ > posAfterBottom) {
// z=0 -> 0
// z=pi*r -> pi
float angle = (posZ - posAfterBottom) / crawlerRadius;

float cosAngle = cos(angle);
float sinAngle = sin(angle);

tangent.y = -cosAngle*In.tangent.y + sinAngle*In.tangent.z;
tangent.z = -sinAngle*In.tangent.y - cosAngle*In.tangent.z;
return tangent;
#if defined( UV_ROTATE ) && defined( ALBEDO_MAP )
float2 mSinCos = m_getUVRotationSinCos();

float3 b = cross(,*In.tangent.w;
float3 t =;

// Rotate tangent in oposite direction than uvs to compensate changed tangent space
return float3(
t.x*mSinCos.y - b.x*mSinCos.x,
t.y*mSinCos.y - b.y*mSinCos.x,
t.z*mSinCos.y - b.z*mSinCos.x);
<CodeInjection position="GET_BITANGENT_VS">
#if defined( MESH_SCROLL )
return cross(getNormal(In), getTangent(In))*In.tangent.w;
#if defined( UV_ROTATE ) && defined( ALBEDO_MAP )
return cross(, getTangent(In))*In.tangent.w;
<CodeInjection position = "START_FS">
#if defined( GLOSS_MAP )
glossMap.r - roughness
glossMap.g - ambient occlusion
glossMap.b - dirt mask
glossMap.a - color mask ( if enabled )
globals.gGloss = tex2D( glossMap, In.vs.GLOSSMAP_TEXCOORD).rgba;
globals.gAO = globals.gGloss.g;
float texDirt = 1 - globals.gGloss.b;
globals.gDirt = saturate( (texDirt*1.05 - (RDT.g - 0.5)) * 2 );
globals.gGloss = 0;
globals.gAO = 0;
globals.gDirt = 0;
#if defined( NORMAL_MAP )
float3 mNormal;
// use BC5 signed format for the normal map
mNormal.xy = tex2D(normalMap, In.vs.NORMALMAP_TEXCOORD).xy;
mNormal.z = sqrt(1.0 - dot(mNormal.xy, mNormal.xy));
mNormal = tex2D(normalMap, In.vs.NORMALMAP_TEXCOORD).xyz - 0.5;
float3 mDirtNmap = tex2D( DirtNmap, float2( RDT.z, RDT.w ) * In.vs.NORMALMAP_TEXCOORD ).xyz - 0.5;
return mNormal + float3(mDirtNmap.xy, 0.0) * (1 - globals.gDirt);
<CodeInjection position = "GET_TANGENT_SPACE_NORMAL_FS">
#if defined( NORMAL_MAP )
return normalize(getUnnormalizedTangentSpaceNormal(In, globals));
<CodeInjection position = "POST_DIFFUSE_COLOR_FS">
#if defined( SPECULAR ) && defined( GLOSS_MAP )
#if defined( COLOR_MASK ) = lerp( diffuseColor.rgb, diffuseColor.rgb * colorScale.rgb, globals.gGloss.a );
#if defined( WINDOW ) += clamp( 0.65 *( 1-globals.gDirt ), 0.0, 1.0 );
float3 mDirtColor = float3( 0.20, 0.14, 0.08 ); // HardCoded Dirt Color = lerp( mDirtColor,, globals.gDirt); // DirtColor lerp
#endif *= globals.gAO; // Multiply AO for DIFFUSE
<CodeInjection position = "POST_GLOSS_COLOR_FS">
#if defined( SPECULAR ) && defined( GLOSS_MAP )
#if defined( WINDOW )
float cosPower = max(5000 * globals.gGloss.r * globals.gDirt, 0.1);
float cosPower = max(50 * globals.gGloss.r * globals.gDirt, 0.1);
roughness = sqrt(sqrt(2.0/(cosPower+2.0)));
metalness = 0;
bakedAO = globals.gAO;
<CodeInjection position="FINAL_POS_FS">
#if defined( ALPHA_BLENDED )
#if defined( WINDOW )
oColor.a += clamp( 0.65*(1-globals.gDirt), 0.0, 1.0 );
#if defined( HIDE_BY_SECOND_UV )
float mVisibility = 1.0;
float refX = In.vs.albedoMapTexCoord2.x;
mVisibility = refX >= uvHide.x && refX <= uvHide.y;
clip( mVisibility - 0.5 );

float a = roughness * roughness;
float a2 = a * a;
float cosPower = min(2 / a2 - 2, 2048); *= 0.0001; += pow(cosPower/100, 2.2);

William Rowe (Bonger76) 25.07.2022 01:57
this looks like a vehicale shader you need to look in the FS22 game files and go into data/fs19support/shaders ,the latest is version 5

Patton_M47 25.07.2022 02:11
I tried the fs19 support one and it does not do what I want :( I also tried changing the 4 to a 5 and that does not work either....
it originally allowed color configuration without UDMI

Patton_M47 25.07.2022 02:11
I tried the fs19 support one and it does not do what I want :( I also tried changing the 4 to a 5 and that does not work either....
it originally allowed color configuration without UDMI

Patton_M47 30.07.2022 14:18

Ryan Groote (SilentBlast) 01.01.2024 18:36
i need version 5

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