placeable vehicle

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created01.08.2022 17:50

Get Getfet (getfet) 01.08.2022 17:50
Im trying to make a mod with a placeable woodcrusher (like the JENZ HE 700 StA in F19)

I have not found a way to make them as the "FS19 woodcrusher-placeable-type" seems removed in FS22..
But if I can place a placeable vehicle then I should be able to make it work but is it even possible?

Found mod like "Jenz HE 561 StA Pack" for F19 where the placeable.xml is calling for a <vehicle xmlFilename="he561StA.xml" /> but I have not been able to make it work in FS22, is this still possible and how?

Patton_M47 02.08.2022 01:23
see what it says in the train xml maybe?

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