Invisible mown crops?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created30.03.2023 22:12

Jacek Zet (rezelger) 30.03.2023 22:12
Has anyone experienced and solved an issue where custom fruits are not giving windrows after mowing? I have alfalfa and clover from the multifruit and even though they are on the map as separate fruittypes and filltypes, i.e. you can see them in the PDA and I can spawn them, nothing appears after driving the mower over the field. Even more weird thing is, when I try to drive the mower out of the field a big pile of cut grass appears under the vehicle - has anyone might have a guess what the source of the problem might be?

All I need is a guidance where the culprit might be hiding, because nothing suspicious shows up in the logs.

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