Community Forum

Problem with cargo on pallets

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created06.04.2023 21:32

Andriy Zlobin (Andriy525221) 06.04.2023 21:32
Hello everybody!
I encountered the following problem: there is a modification in the form of a pallet, on which there are canisters with liquid fertilizers.
Canisters are hidden using the MergeChildren_hideByIndex parameter found in placeable_shader.xml.
I needed to change the number of canisters on a pallet, for this I drove the canisters into 3ds Max, made the necessary edits and exported back.
And what is the problem: when I put the shader back and apply the above parameter, the canisters disappear not one by one, but all together.
How to solve this situation?

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