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Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created20.09.2023 03:10

Scott Major (scottmajor1) 20.09.2023 03:10
Maps like AK Farming, Frontier, etc have piles of stuff on the ground you can scoop up and use/sell/etc...

I'm trying to mod a downloaded map, and I want to add more of something on the ground than what is already there. Problem is I followed a tutorial on youtube and am using the foliage paint mode, and trying to use their method of choosing the channels is not working out. The fruit type I want to add is the 34th one in the list.

I need help getting this to work. According to the tutorial, 1 = 1, and then each number after that is doubled. So 7, 6, and 4 should be chosen for 34. But it comes out SEEDS when I do that. Please help if you can, thanks.

Harvey Kane (YSModding) 04.11.2023 18:36
you have reached max amount. is your densitymap_height 16 channels

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