Category | Farming Simulator 22 |
Created | 21.10.2023 10:30 |
Olivier Olivier (olivierdes) | 21.10.2023 10:30 |
bonjour je veux mettre sur ma map la vente de bois avec le trigger sellingStationWood il n'apparait pas sur la map storeitems.xml <storeItem xmlFilename="$data/placeables/mapFR/sellingStationWood/sellingStationWood.xml" /> et ds placeables <placeable filename="$mapdir$/maps/placeables/sellingStationWood/sellingStationWood.xml" position="-17.104 139.015 73.566" rotation="0 0 0" /> merci de m'aider |
Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) | 21.10.2023 12:16 |
You are calling the store item from the main $data folder (storeitems.xml <storeItem xmlFilename="$data/placeables/mapFR/sellingStationWood/sellingStationWood.xml" />) not from the placeable folder storeitems.xml <storeItem xmlFilename="maps/placeables/sellingStationWood/sellingStationWood.xml" /> As this is an English language forum posts should be in English using Google translate if required |
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