Community Forum

Mower work area not working

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created29.10.2023 21:06

Nicola Trombini (Chappie) 29.10.2023 21:06
I created the workAreaWidth, workAreaHeight and workAreaStart nodes, all with zero rotation on each axis according to the tutorial, I've set up the groundReferenceNode as well and in debug mode I can see the mower area where it should be, but It is drawn in red and It doesn't work when I turn on the mower.
I tried everything, from copying the nodes from other mods directly from the i3d file xml, to rotating the nodes by 90, 180 and -90 degrees on the y axis, to redoing the whole process, to changing the height of the support implement and even changed the groundReferenceNode forceFactor and threshold, but nothing changes, does anyone have any idea of why this might be?

Here is a link to a pastebin with the vehicle xml and i3d files

Nicola Trombini (Chappie) 02.11.2023 12:22
I solved the issue, for some reason the groundReferenceNode was never set to active due to its position being too low

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