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Grimme Rexor 6300

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created14.11.2023 19:57

Chris Depledge (Deathspledge) 14.11.2023 19:57
Hi, first post on the forums. I'm looking for a little bit of guidance. I have changed the filltype in the XML from sugarBeet to the new beetRoot, tested and everything works as expected, apart from the machine doesn't fill.

I can't seem to see what I'm missing....

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated

Edit- created a new mod from game through GE. Do I need to point the XML where I have changed the fill type from sugarBeet to beetRoot, do I need to point it to anywhere else?

Joe Theisen (JoeTheisen) 16.11.2023 12:12
Having the same issue trying to add the new crops to the Terra dos. The header will cut properly but it will not fill the terra dos. This would lead me to believe there is a different classification for the "fruitpreparer" in the work areas as like I said the cutter works properly.

Change "fruitPreparer" to vegetablePreparer in the work area, and the "processFruitPreparerArea" to processVegetablePreparerArea.

** This is not the legit way to do it as you will get a warning for missing specializaiton, but it will fill **

<workArea type="vegetablePreparer" functionName="processVegetablePreparerArea" disableBackwards="false">
<area startNode="workAreaStart" widthNode="workAreaWidth" heightNode="workAreaHeight"/>
<groundReferenceNode index="1"/>
<fruitPreparer dropWorkAreaIndex="3"/>
<folding minLimit="0" maxLimit="0.1"/>

Make sure you cutter is set to the correct crop as well as the fruitpreparer.(for example this would be carrot)

<workArea type="vegetablePreparer" functionName="processVegetablePreparerArea" disableBackwards="false">
<area startNode="workAreaStart" widthNode="workAreaWidth" heightNode="workAreaHeight"/>
<groundReferenceNode index="1"/>
<fruitPreparer dropWorkAreaIndex="3"/>
<folding minLimit="0" maxLimit="0.1"/>
<workArea type="cutter" functionName="processCutterArea">
<area startNode="workAreaStart" widthNode="workAreaWidth" heightNode="workAreaHeight"/>
<groundReferenceNode index="1"/>
<folding minLimit="0" maxLimit="0.1"/>
<workArea type="auxiliary">
<area startNode="dropAreaStart" widthNode="dropAreaWidth" heightNode="dropAreaHeight"/>
<cutter fruitTypes="carrot">
<effectNode effectClass="MorphPositionEffect" effectNode="effectHeader" materialType="belt_cropDirt" delay="0" fadeTime="2" scrollLength="2" scrollSpeed="0.8"/>
<effectNode effectClass="ParticleEffect" effectNode="prepareFruitEmitter" particleType="PREPARE_FRUIT" useCuttingWidth="false"/>
<effectNode effectClass="ParticleEffect" effectNode="soil_harvesting01" particleType="SOIL_HARVESTING" useCuttingWidth="false"/>
<cut template="cropCutting" pitchScale="0.5" volumeScale="1.3"/>
<fruitPreparer fruitType="carrot">
<animationNode node="rotor01" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="1500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="rotor02" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll01" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll02" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll03" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll04" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll05" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll06" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll07" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="headerRoll08" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<animationNode node="paddle" rotAxis="1" rotSpeed="-500" turnOnFadeTime="2" turnOffFadeTime="3"/>
<work template="DEFOLIATOR_01" pitchScale="0.7" volumeScale="1.3" fadeIn="1" linkNode="rexor6300_header_component4"/>

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