Community Forum

Pallet spawners

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created25.12.2023 00:00

Nina Andersen (WolfieeGirl) 25.12.2023 00:00
Hello. I am making a production with several difference pallets, like one pallets pawner with strawberry and one palletspawer with tomato. is this possible? How do I set up the production xml to manage this.

thank you.

Mombots 05.01.2024 16:17
Nothing needs to be set up here. The mapFillTypes.xml defines which palette is loaded for which fillType. Depending on the output of the production, the "palletSpawner" uses the correct palettes for each fillType. For new fillTypes, these must also be entered correctly in mapFillTypes.xml.

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