polycount limit

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created02.01.2024 22:14

Anthony Dinardo (Anthony07) 02.01.2024 22:14
I have a mod whose I.3D file has a polycount higher than 250,000 (the console limit for modhub), it is at around 1,500,000 polygons. Also the editor has an error about the I.3D file size [.i3d.shapes' too big (12264 KB). Maximum supported size on Consoles is 8192 KB.]

Is there any way to release it on the PC modhub like this, or is that considered unacceptable?

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 03.01.2024 11:47
You have answered your own question "I.3D file size [.i3d.shapes' too big (12264 KB). Maximum supported size on Consoles is 8192 KB.]"

So the short answer is No, you will need to reduce the ploy count considerably, for a start suggest baking normals in Blender (or whatever Software you are using), using shade smooth to better effect etc.

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