Community Forum

Default farmland

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created06.03.2024 01:24

Sokar99 06.03.2024 01:24
Hi all,

I made a map mod. Set a default farm in farmlands.xml. That line is :
farmland id="1" pricescale="1" npcName="NPC_US_14" defaultFarmProperty="true"

I tested the map in-game. The map, home farm and all the fields seem to work correctly.

The home farm / default farm has no fields. I wanted to add a field to the home farm. I added "defaultFarmProperty" to a existing feild in farmlands.xml the line is :
farmland id="2" pricescale="1" npcName="NPC_US_01" defaultFarmProperty="true"

Now field 2 is no longer a field. It has been changed to just land. Now you can no longer plow it, seed it, on and on. Do I need to add a line to some other file or xml.

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