FS22 Animal production trigger

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created02.12.2021 03:12

William B (parzival) 02.12.2021 03:12
what trigger is used to accept animals into production?

also what would the xml string be for animals into production, I have tried all triggers and many xml set ups and can not get animals into production?

any ideas greatly appreciated

Kurucz Ferenc (Kferi22) 02.12.2021 13:49

<Attribute name="animalTypes" type="string" value="pig sheep cow horse"/>
<Attribute name="isDealer" type="boolean" value="true"/>
<Attribute name="onCreate" type="scriptCallback" value="AnimalLoadingTrigger.onCreate"/>
<Attribute name="title" type="string" value="animals_dealer"/>

William B (parzival) 03.12.2021 00:32
the trigger must add the animal to production

in fs19, a bale trigger when you drive through it, loaded the animals into the factory,

in fs22, this trigger is not working at all,

1 set up, no errors, and animals wont add to production when drive through trigger,
2nd set up production will not recognize the filltypes
Input filltype 'COW_SWISS_BROWN' is not supported by unloading station

and when try another way, error was production does not support fill types,

I have tried almost every type of trigger in fs22, and also tried almost every variation in the xml for production and triggers, not sure what i am doing wrong,

a couple of variations

<productions sharedThroughputCapacity="false">
<production id="meatplant" name="Beef Packaging" cyclesPerHour="2" costsPerActiveHour="2.5">
<input fillType="COW_SWISS_BROWN" amount="1" />
<input fillType="COW_HOLSTEIN" amount="1" />
<input fillType="COW_LIMOUSIN" amount="1" />
<input fillType="COW_ANGUS" amount="1" />
<output fillType="BEEF" amount="5" />

<animals type="COW" maxNumAnimals="50" >
<loadingTrigger node="loadingTrigger" />
<palletSpawner node="palletSpawner">
<spawnPlace startNode="palletSpawnerArea1Start" />
<spawnPlace startNode="palletSpawnerArea2Start" />
<storage isExtension="false" fillLevelSyncThreshold="100">
<capacity fillType="COW_SWISS_BROWN" capacity="500" />
<capacity fillType="COW_HOLSTEIN" capacity="500" />
<capacity fillType="COW_LIMOUSIN" capacity="500" />
<capacity fillType="COW_ANGUS" capacity="500" />
<capacity fillType="BEEF" capacity="10000" />


<productions sharedThroughputCapacity="false">
<production id="steak" name="Steak" cyclesPerHour="2" costsPerActiveHour="2.5">
<inputs isAnimalTypes="true">
<input fillType="COW_SWISS_BROWN" litresPerAnimal="600" />
<input fillType="COW_HOLSTEIN" litresPerAnimal="600" />
<input fillType="COW_LIMOUSIN" litresPerAnimal="600" />
<input fillType="COW_ANGUS" litresPerAnimal="600" />

<output fillType="STEAK" amount="20" />

<unloadingStation supportsExtension="false" >
<unloadTrigger triggerNode="animalLoadingTriggerDealer"/>

<palletSpawner node="palletSpawner">
<spawnPlace startNode="palletSpawnerArea1Start" />
<spawnPlace startNode="palletSpawnerArea2Start" />

<storage isExtension="false" fillLevelSyncThreshold="50">
<capacity fillType="STEAK" capacity="65000" />
<capacity fillType="cow" capacity="65000" />


not sure what is going on,

Kurucz Ferenc (Kferi22) 03.12.2021 10:02
Check out the game, if you turn on the console then press F5 to see if there is a trigger.
Or is Steak and the other separate items added to fillTypes? there is one such xml that maps_fillTypes.

Mason Beaman (Sinic) 04.01.2022 18:22
did you ever figure this out ?

Lsfarming Mods (Farmer_Andy) 05.01.2022 19:16
What you have in mind will not work, the animals have filltypes but are still AnimalTypes and the standard production script simply cannot do that.

Ken Poth (pothk) 14.01.2022 23:00
i got as far as loading the new "butcher" shop into the game with no errors, just can't get the animals to unload into the trigger

magicjo27 03.02.2022 09:15
I have the same problem on my side. the recipe in the production point works as seen in the photo here:

if you compare with the chicken barn, there is the entrance on the left, with the chickens in the trailer and the exit on the right, which puts the chickens in the barn like in this photo:

but when I put myself on my trigger to unload at the production point, I have the entrance on the left for the trailer but no exit point on the right for the production point as in this photo:

so impossible to unload and store chickens in the production point to produce from animals

really sad that it doesn't work like all the other products

Andrew Powell (Andyp) 21.02.2022 13:11
It is possible to store CHICKEN..

It can be done by editing the placeable.xml, then everything will work. so....

We need a script to delete the CHICKEN off a trailer, and add CHICKEN_RAW to the production.

Benjamin Prehm (benjamin01) 27.02.2022 23:34
Schönen guten abend;

Mich würde es auch brennend interessieren ob sie eine Lösung für das Problem gefunden haben.

liebe grüse

Makson Nik (MaksoN) 08.03.2022 03:10

Oliver Sauer (Oli673) 29.03.2022 15:16
Ebenso, würde uns gern auch eine Fleischerei bauen ....vielen dank im vorraus

Clement Noailles (ninou33260) 22.05.2022 10:43
did you find a solution for the animal production and trigger ?

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