FS22 Silo not showing fillvolume ingame

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created31.12.2021 03:05

Tim Zakrisson (timzakk) 31.12.2021 03:05
Hello, i recently started modding a map that came with a load of placables like a grain silo. The unloadingtrigger works but when i go in game menu and press statistics, it doesnt show the volume i have in the silo. Loading a trailer is also difficult since the loadtrigger is way to high in the air but i cant seem to change that either. BTW, the silo is pinned default in the map and not placed after i load into the map if that gives any valuable information. Thanks beforehand //Tim

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 31.12.2021 08:19
Silos already existing on map.i3d or have in defaultPlaceables the 'mapBoundId' instead 'farmId' don't count to your properties, so they are not displayed in your statistics.

The silo's loadingStation should be placed by the defaultPlaceables. For moving the trigger you must edit the corresponding i3d loadingTrigger.

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