FS 19 Mod to FS 22

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created07.01.2022 02:09

Maxim Herting (Maxim0) 07.01.2022 02:09
Good day,
I have a problem.
I want to convert a mod from the FS 19 to the FS 22 and have discovered an .xml file that does not exist in the FS 22 under the name: emissiveAdditiveShader.xml.
Does anyone know what this file is called in the FS 22?

Umut Ozdemir (ozdeer58) 24.01.2022 10:27
açtım araç gözükmüyor adam akılı şekilde

Ben Filer (Bfiler95) 24.01.2022 13:38
Have a look in the game files for a folder called fs19 support/shaders.. It may be in there not at my pc atm to check..

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