Category | Farming Simulator 22 |
Created | 15.01.2022 07:52 |
David Foster (braveheart) | 15.01.2022 07:52 |
can someone please help i'm so frustrated to the point of tears i'm new to giants editor and can't figure out for the life of me on how to put a animal dealer icon or trigger nor can i find the vehicle store icon or trigger can someone please please help i have a template map just need to figure out how to place a store icon and trigger and animal trader icon and trigger can someone please help |
Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) | 15.01.2022 18:46 |
Hey, no crying in the forum!! Ok, joking aside. Your two options are to open a base game map, export their setup, and then re-import into your own project. Or you can create your own triggers and tie them into the game with user attributes. <Attribute name="animalTypes" type="string" value="pig sheep cow horse"/> <Attribute name="isDealer" type="boolean" value="true"/> <Attribute name="onCreate" type="scriptCallback" value="AnimalLoadingTrigger.onCreate"/> <Attribute name="title" type="string" value="animals_dealer"/> There might even be additional ways to do it but these are the only two I ever used, |
Ed Propsner (crotchfrog) | 16.01.2022 15:36 |
Not that this matters in any way, shape, or form ... but a good blank map would have had those two items included for you. I've seen some real crap blanks floating around out there, no wonder people have the problems they do. I would find a good tutorial and make your own blank. It will hopefully be done right and help you to get to know the inner working of your map in the process. |
David Foster (braveheart) | 19.01.2022 11:14 |
thank you Ed I finally figured that out and figured out a lot of other things and am doing pretty well now thank you again for your time and if there's anyway you could help me with one more thing I can't figure out why when i change the name of the folder to the name of my map it won't show up in game but if i leave the folder called mod_Map_us it works fine i've changed the xml file and took out map us and still can't get it to load with my custom name i've figured out a lot about the xml files like removing them from the map.desc so theres no triggers and placeables or anything just can't figure out how to change the folder name to my farm name and it work in game thanks for your help |
David Foster (braveheart) | 19.01.2022 11:45 |
I figured it out thanks again I will hopefully be publishing my first mod map soon thanks again |
David Foster (braveheart) | 19.01.2022 12:50 |
i thought i figured it out but its still not working properly the game at least recognizes it but it only gets to 15% and freezes i've tried to copy someone else's xml file setup from another mod map and i must be removing something or not removing something can you please help me with the correct method of doing this |
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