XML mismatch line 2

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 22

CategoryFarming Simulator 22
Created23.01.2022 06:38

Fox Doyle (FoxNextDoor) 23.01.2022 06:38
I am completely stumped. I have searched the whole thing, and have not found any sign of an error. Maybe I am missing something?

I created a modified base machine from the game files, yes, converted to mod format for MP. When loading into the game, the mod does not show up, and throw this:
T:/Files/Modified/Gaming/Simulators/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_foxLexion180k/lexion8000.xml. Error=XML_ERROR_MISMATCHED_ELEMENT ErrorID=14 (0xe) Line number=2: XMLElement name=vehicle.

And inside the XML shows no sign of error. I've spent atleast 5 hours trying everything possible with no luck. Line 2:
<vehicle type="combineDrivable" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../shared/xml/schema/vehicle.xsd">

This mod is the only one that I am having an issue with at this point, aside for the Fendt Ideal.
What could have gone wrong?

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 23.01.2022 12:46
In notepad++ under plugins Xml Tools run the Check XML syntax now. Further more ensure that you have the Enable XML syntax auto-check selected it will save a lot of trouble when creating xmls.

If you haven't got the plugin installed then go to Plugins - Plugin Admin and scroll through the list and select XML Tools

Fox Doyle (FoxNextDoor) 23.01.2022 23:17
I appreciate that so much, thank you.

I have ran the XML check, will update if the mod works :)

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