Crash on load

Forum Overview >> Debugger/Studio

Created23.06.2023 12:02

Barry Ryerson (bazthehat) 23.06.2023 12:02
I've been using the latest Debugger fine. After experimenting with changing audio samples, I managed to crash it and now the debugger crashes FS22 on loading.

I've tried re-installing the debugger to no success. FS22 loads up fine without the debugger - it only crashes when the debugger is connected and loading.

The log file doesn't give much away (see below).

Any ideas on what I can clear? I noticed that, after uninstalling and reinstalling, the debugger remembered the last project and windows I had opened, so presumably it saves info somewhere. I'd like to clear that cache out to see if that fixes it, but I don't know where it is.
Here's that log file:

GIANTS Engine Runtime 9.0.0 (30488) 64bit Steam (Build Date: May 4 2023)
Copyright (c) 2008-2021, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2021, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2022
Main System
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
Memory: 32688 MB
OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
Debugger connected:
Debugger hook: true
Memory tracker hook: true
File server attach: false
Remote Debugger: connected (localhost:61407)
Physics System
Version: 5.9.5
Thread(s): 2
Audio System
Driver: SoftMixer WASAPI Stereo
Version: 2018.11
Frequency: 48000
Max. active sources: 256
Render System
Driver: Direct 3D 12
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
Version: (24.5.2023)
Revision: 161
Hardware Feature Level : 12_1
Windowed Mode : off
V-Sync : on
Allow Tearing : off
Validation Layer : off
Effective Window Size : 1680 x 1050px
Effective Swap Chain Size : 1680 x 1050px
Started 3 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
Hardware Profile
Level: Custom Very High
View Distance Factor: 5.000000
Shadow Quality: 2.000000 Base-Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 16
Shadow Focus Box: true
Foliage Shadows: true
Shader Quality: 3
Skip Mipmaps: 0
LOD Distance Factor: 2.500000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000
Terrain Quality: 3
Foliage View Distance Factor: 3.000000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.000000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 4.000000
Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 10
Max. Number of Lights: 256
Max. Number of Dir Lights: 4
Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
Post Process AA: TAA
DLSS Quality: Off
AMD FidelityFx SR Quality: Off
AMD FidelityFx SR 2.0 Quality: Off
Intel XeSS Quality: Off
Sharpness: 1.00
Recommended Window Size: 1920 x 1080px
Bloom Quality: 5
SSAO Quality: 19
SSAO Resolution Scaling: 0.500000
DOF: Enabled
Half Resolution DOF: Disabled
Cloud Quality: 4
Texture Streaming: Enabled
EnvMap Blending: Enabled
Dynamic Specular EnvMap: Disabled
Shading Rate Quality: 2
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick enabled
Force Feedback disabled
Number of Axes: 6
Number of Buttons: 14
Head Tracking System
Driver: TrackIR Client
Version: 5.00
Started 1 threads for threadpool 'TerrainPatchOccluderManager unique worker'

Barry Ryerson (bazthehat) 23.06.2023 14:10
Huh, been using FS22 without the debugger for a bit and now it works fine.

Go figure.

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