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Created07.05.2023 12:44

Sablerock (Sablerock) 07.05.2023 12:44
Man I’m struggling.
So I copied LUA woodunloadtrigger.lua from Farming Simulator
2022\sdk\debugger. Under SCRIPTS.
Rename all text “WoodUnloadTrigger” to
Then place lua in moddesc of my modmap.
At the bottom of lua i have:

WoodUnloadTrigger.processWood = Utils.overwrittenFunction
(WoodUnloadTrigger.processWood, function(self, superfunc, farmId,
print("Overwrite Process Wood")
NewWoodselltrigger:processWood(farmId, noEventSend)

So the idea is to overwrite some of base functions, and step thru them line
by line so that I know exactly what happens when you press “ sell wood”
But which of these other functions must be called and in what sequence? My
new function is interdependent on variables/ tables from other functions.

So ingame it picks up my new functions, but then its error upon error.
Pls give me some pointers before I wast more time.

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