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3D audio error

Forum Overview >> Scripting

Created21.06.2023 16:10

Barry Ryerson (bazthehat) 21.06.2023 16:10

I'm trying to load audio files to replace the footsteps. I've copied and edited the original footsteps template in SoundsTemplates.xml to have my own file with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>

<template name="MUDDY_STEP_FIELD" file="step_mud_1.ogg" innerRadius="2.0" outerRadius="10.0" pitchScale="0.7">
<volume indoor="0.28" outdoor="0.28" />
<pitch indoor="0.9" outdoor="0.9" />
<randomization minVolume="0.1" maxVolume="0.2" minPitch="0.8" maxPitch="1.1" minLowpassGain="0" maxLowpassGain="0" />
<sourceRandomization file="step_mud_2.ogg"/>
<sourceRandomization file="step_mud_3.ogg"/>
<sourceRandomization file="step_mud_4.ogg"/>
<sourceRandomization file="step_mud_5.ogg"/>
<sourceRandomization file="step_mud_6.ogg"/>
<sourceRandomization file="step_mud_7.ogg"/>
<sourceRandomization file="step_mud_8.ogg"/>

When I go to load the audio using g_soundManager:loadSampleFromXML, I'm getting the following error:

Warning: 3D stereo audio files are not supported. Convert 'C:/Users/Admin/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/RainPain/audio/step_mud_1.ogg' to mono.

Now, I wouldn't mind, but I know for a damn hard fact that the audio file is in mono (I used to be a freelance audio engineer, so if I didn't know that I'd be shot).

I've pinned the problem down to createAudioSource, as if I run in the script console:

local sample = {}
sample.filename = g_modsDirectory .. "RainPain/audio/step_mud_1.ogg"
sample.sampleName = "sample"
sample.soundNode = createAudioSource(sample.sampleName, sample.filename, 10.0, 2.0, 0.2, 1)

then it generates the same error.

Like I said, I know damn well it's a mono ogg file at 44.1 KHz, 705 Kbps, exactly the same as the original footstep audio files.

Anyone got an idea as to what's going on?

Barry Ryerson (bazthehat) 22.06.2023 17:06
Tried again today and it just worked. Go figure.

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