Community Forum

onCreate for Placeable

Forum Overview >> Scripting

Created27.07.2023 12:30

dwenShell 27.07.2023 12:30

I am currently working on a map that includes custom placeable objects (meaning that these specific objects are unique to this map). Each of these objects has an animation that I want to control using Lua. So, I am using a "User Attribute" in the onCreate event for the objects that are already placed. However, I would also like to do the same for objects placed by the player on the map (these objects are available in the in-game shop). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. Do you have any ideas about this mystery? Does the onCreate event only work for objects that are already present? If that's the case, how could I retrieve the IDs of objects placed by the player (since these objects are added to the shop through a mod)?

Thanks in advance :)

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