Community Forum

Mud Spreader

Forum Overview >> Scripting

Created17.03.2024 21:56

Pieter Swanepoel (PieterSwa) 17.03.2024 21:56
Is there a way to use a slurry spreader also as a mud spreader? This will make the task of creating mud, far more easier than to use a tipper and water trailer, and great mod for fs 19/22!
Any idea's?

Pieter Swanepoel (PieterSwa) 17.03.2024 21:56
Is there a way to use a slurry spreader also as a mud spreader? This will make the task of creating mud, far more easier than to use a tipper and water trailer, and great mod for fs 19/22!
Any idea's?

Balint Gheorghe (Balintgheorghe93) 04.04.2024 01:10

Balint Gheorghe (Balintgheorghe93) 04.04.2024 01:10

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