Community Forum

Function not called

Forum Overview >> Scripting

Created29.07.2013 18:13

Farmer Joe (farmer_joe) 29.07.2013 18:20
I`m trying to add a console command.

addConsoleCommand("gsExtendedTillageToggleDebugRendering", "Toggles the debug rendering of the extended tillage tools.", "ExtendedTillage.consoleCommandToggleDebugRendering", nil);

This part works fine. The command is now listed in the debugConsole with the Key "Tab";

But the function gets never called.

function ExtendedTillage.consoleCommandToggleDebugRendering(unusedSelf)
return "Test";

After pressing "enter" only a empty line is shown in the debugConsole.

So where is the problem?

D. Ecker (Decker_MMIV) 15.08.2013 21:11
Try this - i.e. changing argument 3 and 4:

addConsoleCommand("gsExtendedTillageToggleDebugRendering", "Toggles the debug rendering of the extended tillage tools.", "consoleCommandToggleDebugRendering", ExtendedTillage);

Farmer Joe (farmer_joe) 31.08.2013 13:53
Thanks, now it works!

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