Community Forum

New Handtool

Forum Overview >> Scripting

Created20.01.2020 21:37

Damian Leśniewski (Unknown) 20.01.2020 21:37
Hello, Im started trying to do my own Handtool type I' ve copiedo line from
but I don't know how to connect script with mod .

Could you explain me ?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 21.01.2020 00:24
LOL .. alone with "copying a line from docs" it's not done.
DL and examine some handtool examples. IIRC there are also a few on Giants ModHub.

Damian Leśniewski (Unknown) 21.01.2020 00:34
I know that :) That would be to easy if it work when you just copied it , I just don't know how to connect it with mod
I don't know that , I will look at it

Damian Leśniewski (Unknown) 21.01.2020 01:05
and, how i can check if the script works without open game every time?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 21.01.2020 03:53
What do you think how to test otherwise than in FS game?

Damian Leśniewski (Unknown) 21.01.2020 04:35
I mean to check if I wrote it correctly as I want

Damian Leśniewski (Unknown) 21.01.2020 04:36
I mean to check if I wrote it correctly as I want

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 21.01.2020 13:49
You can check the syntax by inbuilt features of text-editor or by external syntax-checker.
But for testing the functionality remains the game only.

Damian Leśniewski (Unknown) 21.01.2020 13:54
Okey , thanks

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