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Slurry Pit Unload Point

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Created27.05.2017 00:44

Calum Dixon (Unknown) 27.05.2017 00:44
Good Evening,

I am trying to add a unload / tip trigger to the cows liquidManure point, I have tried adding strings and scriptcallbacks but all have failed so far.

Could somebody please assist or guide me in the right direction.

I am looking to add a tip trigger so slurry can be returned to the pit after field work has been completed.


Anthony Queen (tqueen113) 27.05.2017 04:12
I think it will require the AdditionalTriggers.lua script but I am not sure.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 27.05.2017 07:43
Adding a normal tip trigger which you copy from anywhere should do the job.

The problem is: slurry spreaders/tankers are not capable to tip by default. This ability you must add to the vehicle. This requires changes in i3d as well as adding specialization and corresponding xml entries.

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