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GE not accepting fruit_density PNG

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Created20.04.2018 02:11

Urs Schuerch (Unknown) 20.04.2018 02:11
I copied fruit_density.gdm from an existing savegame and converted it, using grleConverter 7.0.1. I then copied the resulting fruit_density.png into /maps01 and deleted the original fruit_density.gdm. I opened the map01 i3d file in GE 7.1.0 64bit. The map did not show the fruit types in the fields as I saw them in the game.

When I paste the original fruit_density.gdm from the savegame into /map01 and then open map01 i3d in GE 7.1.0 64 bit the fields show the correct fruit type in the correct growth state.

It seems that GE 7.1.0 64 bit accepts savegame GDM files but not their conversions from grleConverter 7.0.1

Could you please check whether grleConverter 7.0.1 and GE 7.1.0 64 bit are compatible?


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 20.04.2018 13:02
I don't know really, but I'm afraid, the GE doesn't accept a *density.PNG
Simply go the way via the game: load your map with the PNG into game, save it - and the PNG is converted to a GDM.

Urs Schuerch (Unknown) 20.04.2018 22:40
Are you suggesting I put the modified fruit_density.png into the savegame folder or into the map zip archive for said savegame?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 21.04.2018 06:43
I'm not sure, it works from within the map's internal folder.
But since you'll need the GDM from savegame anyway, you should put/exchange the PNG immediately into a savegame folder.
After saving you copy the savegame generated GDM into the map's setup folder.

Urs Schuerch (Unknown) 24.04.2018 23:29
That is not what I am trying to do though. I want the map that I am playing to change the fruit type, that I sowed incorrectly. I don't care about the map setup. To achieve that I put the PNG into the savegame folder, correct?

Urs Schuerch (Unknown) 24.04.2018 23:29
That is not what I am trying to do though. I want the map that I am playing to change the fruit type, that I sowed incorrectly. I don't care about the map setup. To achieve that I put the PNG into the savegame folder, correct?

Urs Schuerch (Unknown) 24.04.2018 23:46
It doesn't work. I replaced the fruit_density.gdm in the map zip folder and in the savegame folder with the edited fruit_density.png and removed all savegame backups and still get the old, incorrect fruit_density. Can someone explain where FS17 really gets the fruit_density from? It seems that neither the fruit_density in the map ZIP archive nor the one in the savegame folder have any relevance!

Urs Schuerch (Unknown) 24.04.2018 23:52
Here is what I want to do:

Current career savegame has incorrect fruit type in some of the fields. I want to change that fruit type to a different fruit type

Here is what I tried (partly based on what I thought you were suggesting): Replace fruit_type.gdm in the savegame folder with (edited) fruit_type.png, start game, save game, done.

This did not work. Could you please explain step by step what I have to do to change the fruit type in my career save game. Explain in detail which file needs to replaced with which other file, and specify the direcory and/or zip archive wherein these replacements have to take place.

Thank you.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 25.04.2018 03:22
In normal case, the GE generates a proper GDM during edit on the base of available datas.
See the map.i3d in text version, chapter <FoliageMultiLayer>

I'd guess, you have added a fruit afterwards, eg. by a mod like "AdditionalMapTypes" or similiar?
Then don't wonder why the fruits' channels are messed up. Read the mod's instructions properly, what you have to change else in the i3d.

Urs Schuerch (Unknown) 25.04.2018 04:54
I haven't added any fruit types and as far as I am aware the map doesn't introduce any non-standard fruit types. The map is No Creek Final.

Here's the FoliageMultiLayer section of the map.i3d:

The mod doesn't have any instructions for my problem. I want to change sugarbeet to corn, to correct an accidental fruit change while I was seeding.

Can you identify the problem?

Thank you for your help.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 25.04.2018 10:44
Perhaps the gfx program, you use for editing, writes the PNG in an unexpected format? adds an alpha channel automatically or changes something other?

Make a test conversion GDM -> PNG and note the output of the grleConverter.
Then you edit the PNG and save it.
Now examine the new file. It should have exactly the same gfx properties like the original.

Ahill Farmer (Unknown) 09.05.2018 21:44
I use and all standard settings.

As I stated in my first post. GE doesn't even accept a GRLE converted fruit density that wasn't changed at all:

"I copied fruit_density.gdm from an existing savegame and converted it, using grleConverter 7.0.1. I then copied the resulting fruit_density.png into /maps01 and deleted the original fruit_density.gdm. I opened the map01 i3d file in GE 7.1.0 64bit. The map did not show the fruit types in the fields as I saw them in the game. "

The issue is clearly between GE and GRLE, not with my image editor.

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