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GE 8.1 - extending/creating animal NavMesh

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Created18.12.2018 22:29

John Doe (dezza069) 18.12.2018 22:29

Attempting to create a NavMesh on the latest FS19 maps, using the latest Giants Editor 8.1 - and I'm totally lost.

Have extended them for FS17, but now using the latest maps with FS19 I'm unable to paint an InfoLayer as the only options are "tipCol" and "farmland". Have also tried adding planes to "navMeshPlanes", etc - but whenever a NavMesh is created the console reports:

Error: No vertices to create navigation mesh.

Is anyone able to please offer some tips or guidance.

Thanks very much in advance.

Eelke Van Der Weide (coresoldier) 18.12.2018 23:07

hope this helps

John Doe (dezza069) 19.12.2018 00:04
Thanks heaps Eelke, that's awesome! :)

Kind regards

John Doe (dezza069) 19.12.2018 07:57
This is excellent - cows now roam freely in a massive paddock, looks really cool!

To do all this I imported and placed the husbandry into a map, placed the fence for boundaries, made/moved many small planes to suit the surface (keeping them inside the transform group). When done, export the entire husbandry transform group. Then opened the newly exported group as it's own entity in the GE, removed any transformations from the main transform group before creating the navMesh. Then reimported the final husbandry back in to the map and set it up as a purchased placeable. Easy as now I understand the workflow, thanks for the video link Eelke .

There is a slight animation issue though, wondering if there's any suggestions from anyone as to why the cows "freeze" occasionally, then after a short period of time some disappear (they obviously all get redrawn) and the animations starts again. No, they're not playing the fun little game "freeze" or musical cow pads :) :)

The navMesh goes up a slight incline - could this animation freezing have anything to do with multiple overlaying of planes to allow uneven ground to be followed to form the navMesh?

Also, as a suggestion to the GE developers, it feels more natural to "paint" an uneven surface to form the navMesh basis.

Thanks for any suggestion regarding the animating, appreciated.

Krists U (Kristsu) 19.12.2018 13:54
Old GE7 NawMesh paint system is better. It was easier to put the animals on uneven surfaces. There are already trend for maps like tables.

Ander Ss (anderrios) 19.12.2018 14:39
Hello, for stables on maps you can still use the infolayer layer, you just have to add it with the editor to the map .i3d
I had the problem that the animals were freezing ... I solved it by placing the main transforgroup in rotation "0 0 0" ... many hours trying to change things from the navmesh and the problem was that in my case.
a greeting

John Doe (dezza069) 19.12.2018 15:43
Ta for the information, I've now added an infoLayer (yay!!) and am about to experiment using that for the navMesh.

Also Ander, you mentioned you solved your animals animation freezing by placing the main transform group in rotation "0 0 0" - is this the main transform group of the husbandry i3d as it's own entity/file? Or are you using a placeholder type transform group in the map itself which is set to the "0 0 0"?

Thank you :)

John Doe (dezza069) 19.12.2018 23:56
Results of navMesh experiment:
- can make an infoLayer on the map, but if a navMesh is created from that infoLayer inside the map the positioning is wrong (all the points are translating to the map dimensions, not the imported/exported object dimensions when moved/placed into the husbandry object ready for export. Is it possible to adjust this?
- how do you export the infoLayer detail (as in the ground contour) exclusively for the imported objects position when exporting the object??

Thanks heaps for suggestions :)

Ander Ss (anderrios) 20.12.2018 12:30
When creating navmesh for a placeable with the paint tool, you must move the navmesh to your transform group and export or recreate the existing one.
Regarding the freezing look at the image and the position, it was solved in my case when using the tool "freeze transformation" and restart the rotation
when you recreate navmesh choose the channel where you painted with the option "Culling info layer channels"

Christopher Kimball (Unknown) 22.01.2019 17:40
Do we have the channels for the nav meshes yet?

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