Community Forum

Editor crashes while trying to save a file

Forum Overview >> Editor

Created23.03.2011 18:16

Florian Otte (Unknown) 23.03.2011 18:19
Hey there, I hope this is the correct sub-forum for this.

I've got a few tractor models for the farming sim 2011. The problem now is when i open them, and then try to store them again the editor crashes. I do not even make changes - the editor crashes anyway.

It is version 4.1.7 - shipped out with farm sim 2011.

Slesingr Radek (slesingr) 01.04.2011 09:23
I have exactly the same problem, Composer, tested on Win XP, Vista
Win 7 Installed all Net.Framework. I do not know your advice ....

GE v 4.1.7 - legal copy of LS 2011

Stefan Geiger - GIANTS Software 01.04.2011 09:33
Where do you open the models from?
You should check that the files is in a writable directory. E.g. do not open the file directly from a zip file and do not open files in the "C:/Program Files" folder (where normally the game is installed).

Slesingr Radek (slesingr) 01.04.2011 09:52
Files open in a separate folder (extracted from the *. zip) D: \ Maps
I tried on the desktop and various locations. GE Running as an administrator, I
off antivirus and firewall, still can not save file: (

Eanna Eanna (Unknown) 23.11.2013 22:02
I have the exact same problem along with having no color in my editor when i try to save it just crashes

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