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Placeable.lua(1094) : attempt to index local 'storeItem' (a nil value)

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Created12.12.2020 23:56

Ivan Polic (Unknown) 12.12.2020 23:56
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
dataS/scripts/placeables/Placeable.lua(1094) : attempt to index local 'storeItem' (a nil value)
I have this problem on my map.
After each placheable that I added, throw out this error.
Only when I add default vehicles does it show me these errors, and when I delete from the defaultvehicles.xml what I added for default vehicles does not eject these errors to me.
defaultitems.xml :
defaultvehicles.xml :
modDesc.xml :

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 13.12.2020 00:44
Very clever. In modDesc you have the <storeItems> tag twice where the first is empty (line 71). The second will be ignored by the XML parser.
Such things you can easily avoid by checking/validating the xml files with suitable tools.

Besides I'd urgently recommand you clean up your mod's folder structures..

Ivan Polic (Unknown) 13.12.2020 01:45
Man you don't know how much you helped me, thank you to heaven!

Ivan Polic (Unknown) 13.12.2020 02:07
Man you don't know how much you helped me, thank you to heaven!

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