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How to convert terrain texture from FS 17 to FS 19?

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Created01.02.2021 21:41

Unknown 01.02.2021 21:41
I'm converting the map, this map had its own terrain textures in fs 17, how to convert them to 19 that they worked correctly?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 01.02.2021 21:48
There are so much guides around in web, that it doesn't need another one.

Unknown 02.02.2021 17:08
Maybe I was looking badly and did not find information, if it's not difficult you can give a link?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.02.2021 18:19
*sigh* Simply use your topic title as search pattern like "convert terrain texture from FS 17 to FS 19" or "convert map ..."

And don't expect you'll get all answers just in the first few hits.

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