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Created07.05.2021 09:49

Anthony Napierala (Unknown) 07.05.2021 09:49
so- I've run into this error (posted below) I'm lost because i don't have this scripted anywhere AND the 0|0|0 doesn't exist in my .i3d however the part name of innerPartStatic does... any idea? this if for a light bar the light works in game, however not all the lights actually light up, the error would be one that's not lit. cant for the life of me figure it out. lol

2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (20) : printCallstack
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (88) : checkChildIndex
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Lights.lua (222) : indexToObject
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (30)
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (615) : raiseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (71) : asyncCallbackFunction
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (333) : loadSharedI3DFile
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (839) : load
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (622) : loadCurrentConfiguration
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (1424) : updateData
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/MultiTextOptionElement.lua (327) : raiseCallback
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (425) : raiseCallback
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/MultiTextOptionElement.lua (221) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/gui/base/Gui.lua (561) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 dataS/scripts/main.lua (1817) : mouseEvent
2021-05-07 03:27 Error: Index not found: 0|0|0
2021-05-07 03:27 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node innerPartStatic, only 0 childs given

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 08.05.2021 01:27
This short log extract is no real help.
I'd guess there's a serious error in your xml, probably wrong node in <lights>

Anthony Napierala (Unknown) 10.05.2021 07:00
thank you for your reply. i did end up finding my issue after taking some time to break it down!

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