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Can I edit a saved game

Forum Overview >> Editor

Created01.06.2021 13:32

Craig Bryant (gawain) 01.06.2021 13:32
Been looking everywhere.
All instructions and videos show how to edit a mod map pre-game (map) save.
What if I have 200 hours in a game and one tree in the middle of a field the developer hid in an inaccessible layer (from in-game mod deletion using 'hide' 'chainsaw' etc.).
I purchased the game from Steam.

I think this is a missing topic but I don't know exactly what to search for.



Unknown 01.06.2021 18:56
I do not understand your question completely: You have a mod map and unfortunately there is a tree right in the middle of a field, you cannot remove in-game? Did I got that right? From my knowledge this isn't possible by changing some xml files in your savegame folder. If you can access the 'My Games' folder with Steam at all.

One opinion would be to download Giants Editor and open the .i3d file with it (you may need to unzip the map), you should then find the tree you decribed and delete it.

WARNING: Be careful, changing the .i3d file will change the hole map. I do not know if it works to change the .i3d file it when you have already created a score, so do it on your own risk!

Craig Bryant (gawain) 02.06.2021 12:58
Thank-you for your reply.

Unfortunately, if you have played on a map and saved it in-game, your map is no longer available in "My Games" directory. It is somewhere out in Steam land. I've tried to find it, searching for iD3 files but so far, no luck. I have modified the map in the mods directory, saved it to an open slot in-game, and transferred xml files from my current map save location to the new map save location, but the one tree is gone, but all the other trees I cut down and sold are back creating a big mess as a lot of my equipment are now buried in trees.

Not a big deal.... just trying to understand the way steam and giants interacts.


Boris Klinko (Boris555) 02.06.2021 13:22
Had same issue, deleted few trees in GE, all cuted trees are back. So I have deleted all cuted trees also. Now when I think about it this might be index number issue. If all trees are in the same transform group, and you delete one tree, all trees below in will receive new index number. Possible solution could be to replace tree with empty transform group, this just my speculation I haven't tried this.

Craig Bryant (gawain) 02.06.2021 14:13
Thanks Boris. That's interesting. So I am using savegame4 as my "home" map of Lone Oak. I edited Loan Oak map in mods (removing the obnoxious tree) and saved it to savegame5. Copied xml files from savegame4 to savegame5. I should repeat this process this time replacing the obnoxious tree with an empty transform group. I'll try this.

I'm assuming there is no way to directly edit savegame4 map? Guess that would be too easy.


Unknown 02.06.2021 15:29
I don't think there is a way to modify just a single savegame. (Apart from a few xml-files) And unfortunately there is no easy-to-edit .i3d file.
It would be really great if you could edit just a single savegame!

Craig Bryant (gawain) 02.06.2021 16:48
Understood 614n75_d3v_m and thanks for your reply and confirmation of what I suspected.


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.06.2021 23:17
The infos about felled trees and wood logs are in the savegame's "splitShapes.gmss".
If you have edited trees in GE, you should delete this file from savegame. But be aware that you'll lose all present wood logs.

Craig Bryant (gawain) 03.06.2021 18:43
Bilbo!!!!!!! wow.. that's exactly what I needed to know...
I've been fighting with this all day.


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