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Maps id3

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Created05.06.2021 17:14

Steven Farmer (stev11113) 05.06.2021 17:14
can someone tall me why my maps id3 file goes from 23,450 to 874,500 all I did was sale the map.
I`ve fixed it by go to my back up. I just want to know what as happed.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 05.06.2021 23:30
The i3d is xml code. And xml is very sensitive against 'illegal' characters.
For labels and filenames use only "A-Z", "a-z", "1-0" and '_' (underscore) instead spaces. All other can lead to strange results upto crashes.
Spaces are for the xml parser separators, this can blow up the code massively.

Michal Hunik (Unknown) 03.07.2021 23:21

Lucas Collins (Unknown) 11.07.2021 06:45

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