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Save map in Editor

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Created22.07.2021 15:03

Martin Beck (Unknown) 22.07.2021 15:03

Sorry - Google translate

Is it possible to open the current map from save in the Giants editor? After about a year, I reinstalled and I have objects from the original map scattered in the original positions. I managed to delete most of them, but from the original Ravenport I had cars from the junkyard left, even though I deleted them in the editor on the original map ( I have them in the game, but the editor does not see them)


Czech original:

Dá se nějak v Giants editoru otevřít aktuální mapa ze savu? Po cca roce jsem znovu nainstaloval a mám objekty z originální mapy rozeseté na původních pozicích. Většinu se mi jich podařilo vymazat, ale z originálního Ravenportu mi tam zůstaly auta z vrakoviště, i když jsem je v editoru na originální mapě vymazal (tzn, mám je ve hře, ale editor je nevidí)

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 22.07.2021 15:23
If I understand right, you have started with the game default map? And then you have edited the map in the install folder?

If so, it was a very bad idea. You are told everywhere: don't change the game install files. That disables multiplay, can lead to compatibility problems and is anyway lost on a game update.
If you want to edit a default map, make a mod clone first with GE (new mod from game). Then you can fiddle around with it.

The parked cars don't show up in editor. There are only placeholders (empty transforms) usually in splines/trafficSystem/parkedCars.

What you also don't see in GE are the objects inserted by the "defaultItems.xml" at game start. Edit this file if necessary.

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